Monday, April 14, 2008

Tit for Tat: Is that too Much to Ask For? Just Once?

Mr. Wicke and I are in the process of infertility treatment. In our twenties we went straight to adoption because we desperately wanted some kiddos and weren't interested in playing the odds of science. 50-50 chances rarely swing in my favor, let alone 70-30 or whatever other numbers were thrown at us. Adoption was absolutely right for us, and man! We have two of the best kids on the planet. However, we've also never ruled out trying treatment at some point. Now that we are pushing the upper limits of our thirties, it is sort of now or never, so we are going to take a crack at it before we're through and see if we can get a baby to grow in that there tummy of mine.

There are at least a thousand and two posts regarding infertility and the treatment thereof in my brain, most of which I am not interested in writing because it's too doggone exhausting. Besides, I'm not sure how to write about that without including lots of talk about menstruation, cycles, ovulation, and way too much information about my hoo-haw. (I think I just heard my three male readers pass out.) Sorry, fellas. But I have endured more poking and prodding in that general vicinity as of late than any girl should have to, and here's what I'll say about it:

I don't want a gynecologist to say, "Nice to see you," or "Nice to meet you." Because while he/she may have "seen" me, I don't really want to talk about it. And really, he/she didn't meet me at all. Then again I'm not sure what I would like my gynecologist to say. Silence would be awkward, but it would be better than some scenarios.

Like when my friend went in for her exam as a senior in high school and the doctor actually said with surprise, "Well, look at that! You're a virgin!" No, thank you. Or how about when I was home from college and mid-exam my doctor asks if I've seen his son (whom I dated once or twice) lately? Can you say awkward?

But what is the most appropriate thing to say in such a given situation? That's a tough one.

Maybe to even the playing field they could reveal something incredibly personal about themselves, like: "You may not realize it, but these are actually hair plugs," or "My dentist just diagnosed me with receding gums and gingivitis," some little tit for tat that I could tuck into my mental purse and say, "Okay, we're even." Maybe that would make me feel better?

Yeah, you're right. I doubt it.


The Kriloff Klan said...

Too funny! I do agree that turn around is fair play! I do have a hilarious story about when I was in nursing school. The short of it: here I was a Mormon virgin & never had I seen a man's package before. Sure I changed baby diapers, but cmon. I had to put in a catheter into a male celibate Catholic Priest!!!! Needless to say he had a bit of a rise & I couldn't let go of it as my nursing instructor was at my side & told me my sterile field would be lost! I'll get another @$!%$ field! Seriously! Hang in there!

Melissa said...

Oh so true. That is pretty funny. Good luck with all that fun stuff. YOu will be in our prayers!

Lauren said...

I had no idea. I'm glad that you are trying. :) I'm sorry that I laughed at your words while reading this post. I love your sense of humor. We must get together sometime. :)

Rochelleht said...

Well, why not talk about menstruation!? After your last post, I say nothing is off limits here. We could call this the passion party place, or something like that...

Debbie said...

Oh good luck!
The fun of it!
Been there done that!
Wait til you try the IUI! Your husband isn't even the one getting you pregnant! The doctor is with some sort of turkey baster! Now thats romantic! LOL
hang in there!

Kyle said... just keep the laughs coming! Good luck with all of the treatments! I am so feeling your pain on all the comments and akwardness with the doctor...

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

I made my Dr feel uncomfortable... while he was "down there" I asked him .."what does your wife think of your job" He just stopped and said "umm..she is good with it" I think he was so caught off gaurd!! so, try that next time they are "there"

and good luck with everything! I hope you are throwing up soon!!! ( I mean that nice)

Madame Queen said...

Good luck with your treatment!

Yeah, I hear you. I mean, I'm not saying I want to see my gyno naked or anything (shudder), but we do need something to even the playing field just a little.

Lisa-Marie said...

Oh, Laurel. You always make me laugh. You have such a gift to take a serious, very personal topic and find the humor in it. I really hope the treatments are successful.

My girlfriend's Ob told her once, "wow. you have a very nice uterus." WHAT do you say to that? AND what does that mean anyway? A nice uterus?

Amanda said...

LOL! I love this one! :)

Personally, I just take a sharpie marker and write jokes on my inner thigh. Takes the tension right out of the air!

Okay, I don't really do that but now that I think of it, I might! :P

Sara said...

I am SO going to start saying hoo-haw!

Anonymous said...

How exciting on your treatments! You are too funny. I love my OB, he's a nut and always makes me laugh. It makes an awkward situation a little lighter, I think.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Good luck with the treatments. My 2 children are indeed gifts from above cause I never should have gotten pregnant but somehow I did. We also have dear friends that after 12 years and 2 adopted kids wound up pregnant - so it does happen.

I guess in the blogging world nothing is sacred but when I was a new bride and we were going through the horror of treatments, we did not want everyone to know. So we discreatly told just our close family our troubles. Well low and behold that next December in my hubby's family's Christmas brag letter my mother-in-law spelled out our most intimate and detailed reason for no grandkids. I was horrified and to boot it was sent out to 250 strangers. I am sure to this day that I am going to have some complete stranger come up to me and tell me how they heard all about my prolapsed uterus, low sperm-count and bad case of Endometriosis that caused us so much grief.
Hoo Haw!!!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

Oooo...I like this idea. My OB-GYN is a guy who is maybe five years older than me. Too wierd.