Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Me? Ridiculous?

I am laughing so hard I have tears. I. can't. stop. Here's why: It's late and it's right before I'm going to bed. Per usual, before I go to bed, I shut down the computer but not before checking my blog to see if anyone has left funny, happy, and delightful messages for me. (It gives me good dreams...well, that is if I could remember my dreams...but anyway...)

So I'm checking the blog, and--just like at Christmastime when we decorate the tree and then I make the whole family go outside to look at it through the window and pretend to see it like a stranger would (yes, I know. Weird, but it's what I do.)--I sometimes try to read my post for the day as if I didn't know me. After tonight I may stop doing that because that is when this line jumped out at me from yesterday:

"...and I got a great little package." Huh?! But it gets worse...

"...Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of it." Oh, I just keep going.

"...I'll say this about Laurel's package..." Now it sounds like I've taken to referring to myself in the third person ala Seinfeld, "Jimmy jumps high. Jimmy likes Elaine." If only I had stopped there.

"...the package will make up for it." Why?! And then the big finish.

"You don't want to miss it."

And that is what sent me into a fit of giggles so loud that I was afraid I would wake Mr. Wicke. Literally, tears pouring out of my eyes. I never cease to amaze myself with my own ridiculousness. That thought may disturb my good dreams tonight. Oh, yeah. I don't remember them anyway. Nevermind.

P.S. It's still not too late to enter for the drawing. We will pick the winner out of a hat tomorrow after school. My kids are so excited! (Yup. It doesn't take much. That's just the kind of life we lead around here.)


Rochelleht said...

I didn't even notice it, if that makes you feel better.

But, what does it say about your mind, that you did? ;-)

mother of seven said...

You were up late kid.....12:44. I want to kno what you were doing last night to keep yourself up sp late:)

Elisa said...

I'm laughing WITH you not AT you!! I swear! Mostly because I do the exact! same! thing!! My oldest came in the other day and "busted" me reading my own blog... she was like: why are you reading your own blog? you wrote that, so don't you know what it says?" then she rolled her eyes and was like: i knew my mom was a weirdo!

Laurel said...

You are funny!

1blueshi1 said...

as long as you stay away from those "She Just Made Us Come" titled articles, I think you'll be okay! hehehe

Phyllis Renée said...

Hi Laurel! I found your blog the other day through . . . oh I don't know. I was reading comments and clicking on links and suddenly . . . here I am. So anyway, love your blog! And I always read my blog as though I'm someone else. It's how I spell check and try to determine if what I just said sounds as funny on the blog as it did in my head.