Friday, April 4, 2008

Building a Genius in Four Easy Steps

Now that Logan is six AND A HALF and closing in on finishing her first full year of public education, she has taken to lording her newly acquired knowledge over her four year old brother. "You don't even know what 0+0 is!" she often crows.

She may be smart but she is not yet wise, because she doesn't realize that the Mother is bent on evening the playing field. Currently Griffin is on a rigorous schedule of Sesame Street viewing. It won't be long now!

Plus the other morning we spent some time doing french toast stick math. It went something like this:

Griffin: Mom? Can I have more french toast sticks?

Me: Sure. Here's another one.

Griff: How many have I had?

Me: (Using my fingers as the age old abacus) Well, you started with three...then I gave you one more...How many is that?

Griff: Four!

Me: That's right!!! So 3+1 is....

Griff: Four!

Me: (In Logan's general direction.) That's right! 3+1 is 4! Isn't that great?!

Griff: (Now getting tricky) What if I didn't have any french toast sticks, and you wouldn't give me any? (Alright...Wipe those Oliver Twist images out of your mind. Don't let him fool you.)

Me: Well...if you didn't have any french toast sticks--none, zero (holding up a balled fist)--and I didn't give you any--none at all (holding up my other fist)--so you had zero plus zero--how many would that be?

(Long pause...)

Griff: I know!...Eight!

(Logan dissolves into laughter.)

Me: We'll keep working on it. Who wants to watch Sesame Street?


Rochelleht said...

Oh, too hilarious! Jane lords over Grace as well, with her high-falutin' math knowledge. No worries, we have Sesame Street working on it also. AND spelling.

Amanda said...

Well, if you put one zero on top of the other zero you get an eight. Right? I can totally see where he was coming from.

Lauren said...

Laurel! It's Lauren (White) Shumway! How are you guys? We're great! We love it here in AZ. We live on Power and Ray. We have a blog, too! Can I add you to my links?

Phyllis Renée said...

I was thinking the same as Amanda. Eight may be incorrect, but highly creative!

Aubrey said...

Cute kids (and mom)--makes me wish I knew them in real life.

Aubrey said...

In reference to the comment you left me, it was my April Fool's joke for my friends who know I am going absolutely nuts with three kids and would want to do more horrible things than just cry if I were pregnant again. That little guy I'm holding in my picture just barely turned one. The joke worked so well on my mom (who is rarely bamboozled) I thought I'd try it elsewhere. Wasn't that trailer awesome?

Kyle said...

Kids are so funny! I am the same way...with Sammy I was practically reading her the dictionary from birth..than with my boys I have relaxed a little and just want them to enjoy life (I am trying to take my own advice)

Lauren said...

Yes, it would be fabulous to get together in the real world. Let me know when and where. :) Your kids are darling! We're going home to Lovell in June. You going to Cowley in July? Thank goodness for Allegiant Air!