Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!
What's on the to do list?
1. Sleep late.
2. Backyard project
3. BBQ

The general all-American holiday.


Shana said...

Happy Memorial Day to you too!
I just talked to my dad and he was grilling for the whole Peterson family over at my parents house. I wish we were there too!

Melissa said...

Hope you guys had fun even though you dogged us on our geo-caching! (just kidding)

Madame Queen said...

Are you and my husband involved in some kind of conspiracy? What's with the home improvement projects on a holiday weekend?!?

"The Queen in Residence" said...

We built a pergola over our deck this weekend. I almost dread long weekends. As everyone else is boating or BBQing we are sweating and straining to get a project done. I think we need therapy!