Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Abstinence: What I Will Tell My Daughter

What with Sarah Pallin's pregnant 17 year old daughter, the media has been full of commentary on the failure of abstinence education. It doesn't work, they say. It's impossible, they say. Umm...(timidly raising her hand in class) I have something I would like to share. I know. It's personal, but here's my experience. Maybe it might add something to the discussion.

I was an abstinence girl. And--most remarkably--my husband was an abstinence guy. It's the LDS (Mormon) expectation that one waits until they are married to have sex. Doesn't always happen. Physical attraction is powerful, I don't care who you are. But I'm grateful that I waited. And that doesn't mean that I didn't understand the mechanics of sex, or what a condom was, or where to get one, by the way. It also doesn't mean that I was sexually frustrated or that I am sexually inhibited as an adult or a plethora of other ridiculous accusations of the abstinence set. But it does mean a lot of other things.

I'm grateful I waited. And when I talk to my daughter, I'll tell her why. I'll tell her that not once in my life have I looked back and said, "Man! I really wish I would have given a part of myself to a bunch of guys that don't mean anything to me anymore." Nope. Not once.

I don't regret not sleeping with my high school boyfriend; like those waters needed to be any more muddy, right?

And I certainly don't regret not sleeping with the guy who broke up with me because I wouldn't sleep with him. I mean, if there is a sign of true love...putting my needs above his own, loving me mind, spirit, and body...yup. That's wasn't him.

I've never once regretted not having sex with the boy in college who ended up breaking up with me and telling me I was fat. (And that was with my clothes on!)

The guy who told me he broke up with his girlfriend, but in fact was dating me on the side--you guessed it. Not sorry I didn't give myself to him. He ended up making me feel badly enough about myself without taking my virginity.

And as to the many, many boys who wanted to date me, use me and still play the field...they didn't deserve me.

Then I met Mr. Wicke. And he proved himself. He was different from all the boys I had dated before. He thought I was fabulous. All of me, and he wasn't interested in settling for the body only. He wanted it all--my heart, mind, spirit and soul included. He was willing to sacrifice, to put off his immediate desires until I was ready to commit my entire being to him, and in the meantime he earned me: He was honest, true, kind, thoughtful, romantic, and gentlemanly. Oh, it was clear he wanted me. We did some truly great kissing, but we waited, together.

And then we were married, and that night when we were alone together, just the two of us? It really was just the two of us.

The thing is, when you meet the man you want to spend forever with, you won't want there to be anyone else, but the only way for that to happen is to wait for each other, without regrets.

That's what I'll tell my daughter.


Rochelleht said...

You rock! That was PERFECT!!! I love it. This needs to be a circulating email. Seriously. Couldn't have said it better.

Debbie said...

I agree fully! And that is also what I will tell my daughter!!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I total agree with you. You said it perfect, Thanks

Stephanie said...

that was awesome laurel! hopefully your daughter will listen! my oldest daughter (who is 21) wants to wait for her wedding day for her first kiss (not MY expectation but way to set that bar high!) and her younger sister, had been living with her boyfriend until about a month ago. both went on Passport to Purity weekends with me, heard the same stuff (incessantly!) but unfortunately, that nasty old free will rears its ugly head!

Pam said...

Love your post. I fully agree.

Lisa-Marie said...

Perfect. Absolutely.

Melissa said...

Very well said my friend.

Sara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

sorry...i first commented "amen" but then thought that i did not want it to sound like i was filling in the ending to a prayer...(i wanted it to sound like "amen sista!") i took it off. but then i didn't want you to think someone said something negative so i figured i needed to put something back, so here i am, saying it the previous deleted comment was from me.

Laurel said...

Perfectly written!

Debbie said...

What the world doesn't even begin to imagine is that there are hundreds of thousands of us out there that have waited and we're the better for it. I think the "talk" is so much easier with your children when you can say that you're elated you are with the one you love.

Chrissy said...

Well said

Deanna said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. I have never heard anyone, I wish I would have slept with that guy I was nuts over in high school that ended up breaking my heart... but Icna't tell you how many times i've heard the reverse. Waiting is never regreted.

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

That is fabulous. I'll fill in the blanks with my daughter too based on my experiences as well.
I will also follow the sweet prompting of the spirit, that will help them understand what I am seriously trying to say.
Thx Laurel.