Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Committee has Spoken

Yesterday I was told by a dear friend that "pregnant Laurel is funny." And I don't think she meant funny like"You should really look into being a stand up comic," but rather funny like "You might consider counseling." (These kind of conversations can only happen with people who truly, deeply love you and have a good sense of humor. She has both.) As she pointed out, apparently I have been using the word "hate" a lot. As in "I hate Halloween...I hate costume planning...I hate planning birthday parties...I hate scrapbooking...I hate soccor. You get the idea. Basically, right now I hate anything that requires a lot of extra effort on my part.

Evidently that includes calling people back because the same friend has insisted that I change my outgoing message. She says my recently recorded message sounds grouchy, and it isn't very inviting when I say, "Leave a message and we'll do our best to call you back." Look. I was just trying to be honest.

I ran that conversation past a second dear friend (I send all important information out to "the committee" you know.) She immediately laughed and said, "Well, you do have more violent tendencies."

"Violent tendencies?!"

"Well, violent is the wrong word. It's just that you don't seem to have an edit mechanism. Whatever you're feeling just comes out of your mouth."

Perhaps she is talking about my reaction at the Fall Festival when I may have said that, "I wanted to kill an old man with a plastic fork." But, in my defense, he was very rude. Or she may be referring to the incident when I purportedly said that someone was "the stupidest man I've ever met." Or maybe--and I am not proud of this--it was when I said that I may, "have to beat the crap out of my son." Again. Only honesty, folks. I defy any parent to deny that the thought hasn't at least flicked across their consciousness at one point.

Admittedly I struggle with a poorly functioning edit button on most days. And on top of that do you realize that pregnancy is causing my feet to sweat, among other sundry and unusual symptoms that I don't talk about? So, okay. People seem a lot more irritating right now. I concede that the committee may have a point. Maybe I do need to reign in "pregnant Laurel" just a bit, sweaty feet and all.

But I really am hating Halloween right now. It just seems like a lot of work. Don't tell my kids I said that, though. I think I have them fooled. (And just for the record, I'm not beating the crap out of anybody. Just so we are all clear on that.)


Erin said...

I am totally the same when I am pregnant. I worked at a bank at the time and my co-workers loved talking to me because I didn't edit anything. And it was just so entertaining for them to hear what Erin really thinks. It must be the hormones (what isn't when you are pregnant?).

Anonymous said...

You are way too funny (pregnant or not!) I love that you 'tell it like it is'!! thanks for making me laugh (every time I read your blog:)

Kyle said...

ha! "Violent tendencies" that is funny! Hopefully you are't TOO violent!

Lisa-Marie said...

Funny? YES you are!

I'm not sure my pregnancy hormones EVER went away. oops.

Shana said...

Oh Laurel! Good stuff!
Here's a little secret, you aren't the first pregnant woman to have been accused of being hateful.
One word- HORMONES!!! They can do some wacky things to you.

I love you- hateful or not! :)

Jennifer said...

I hate Halloween too! I do my best to put on an act for the kids, but my husband knows it. This is why it's his holiday. He buys the candy, takes the kids trick-or-treating, and coordinates costumes. I stay home with a glass of wine and give out candy to the neighbors, then welcome home my cold tired little guys with hot cocoa, and they're none the wiser!

Happy Warrior in Training said...

As Vice-President of the Laurel committee (and as one who has, in days past, been the recipient of certain threatening "non-verbal" communications) I say "don't worry, be happy". Short-temper, threats of violence, utilization of colorful descriptive terms or simple pure honesty... that is why we love you. And we wouldn't change a thing. Besides that, if you and I have to go out "behind the woodshed" only one of us is coming back with their little finger in tact. (You may have to explain this to your blog followers). Love you!

Aubrey said...

Oh. my. gosh. You slay me, you're so funny. I want to beat the crap out of my kids all the time. And I'm not pregnant. I think it's leftover from when I was.

And my husband thinks it's a good idea for us to have a lot more. And for me to be pregnant a lot more--I'm not funny either, I'm the Wicked Witch of the West, but with bad shoes.

Elisa said...

I had someone say that to me when I was pregnant... only it was like this: "Wow. You're really needy aren't you?!" Uhh. Gee thanks?!

Chelle! said...

This is too hilarious!! I literally laughed out loud when I read this blog. It reminded me of a memory that I had with my 12 year old niece. We were together and her mom called my cell phone and asked for her. My niece took the phone and then recited "Use your Happy Voice, Use your Happy Voice" and then, greeted her mother cheerfully. It has made me think of how I answer the phone now. So, maybe you can start reciting "use your happy voice, use your happy voice". Just a thought from one of your blog stalkers!!! HA HA

Rochelleht said...

Oh, I love you! That is great. Some days, it just is what it is. And the kids are lucky to make to the end.