The first is not my own idea. My friend, Kyle, shared this idea a few months ago at our church's women's group (Enrichment in LDS speak). This weekend I finally put it to use, and I'm so excited about it: It's a child's memory box.
What you do is you get one of those plastic, portable file holders for each child. Add hanging file folders marked: Babyhood, Toddlerhood, Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade, and so on. Then as my kiddos participate in activities or complete projects that are worth saving, I'll just pop them in the corresponding file folder. When they leave home, "Wa-lah!" They take their "life in a box" with them.
Here's a sample of what I've included in almost every year in addition to a few chosen photos:
That year's Christmas letter and Christmas card. (A great summary of the year, as it turns out.)
Their birthday letter (every year on their birthday, I try to write each child a letter)
Copies of Primary talks
Letters to Santa
School photo
A couple of art projects
School assignment from the beginning of the year
School assignment from the end of the year
Birthday cards from Grandparents
Team photos
Certificates of achievement
It's organized, ordered, and super easy to do. Thank you Kyle for a great idea!

Caesar Dressing
yield: 1 cup
1/2 C. Mayonnaise
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 C. milk
1/4 C. Parmesan cheese
2 T. lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
Whisk it all together and enjoy! It's delicious.
Happy Birthday to Laurel!!! I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!!
Thanks for the tips. I love the one about the "life box." That is a great idea.
Oh, and you're allowed to be a little violent. You can always blame it on hormones! :)
Just this week Kendon was saying that I needed to be saving the kid's stuff from school. I guffawed at him. But, maybe he is right and I could actually DO this system. YOu'll be his hero! THX!
Oh yea! I'm so glad you used my "tip"...its such an easy system!
I also have a file in the back for Young Womens or Young Mens and a file for Talents...but I guess you can always file those things with their grade level!
I'll have to try the Ceaser recipe..thanks!
Ooh!! Thanks for sharing this--it's exactly what I need--since I HATE scrapbooking and never know what to save and am turning into a pack-ratter of children's memorabilia, this will be so so so fabulous. Now, what to keep and cherish, and what to CHUCK. Any suggestions there?
Salad. Yummm!
It's your birthday? Where have I been?! Happy birthday! I hope you eat lots of good food!
Thanks for another great recipe. And I may use your tip on filing the children's precious memories. I'm years behind. Don't know why I didn't think of it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again Laurel!!!
Much Love
I also recently did the file boxes - love them!!!
I guess Happy Birthday is also in order - Hope it was a good one!
Hi Aunt Laurel,
Thanks! I really enjoy drawing but tracing is the easiest. I have heard of her sister, but I haven’t read any of her books yet. Wuthering Heights was hard to get into and it was a bit dry, but I liked it.
P.S. Happy Birthday!!
LOve the tip.Thanks I will have to improvise.
Did I miss birthday?!!!!
HappY Day!!!! you know what that means?..... Lunch.. good food and conversation.
Hope your day was special
Happy belated bday!
Thanks for the Caesar recipe. That will be helpful, especially since I am always out of dressing.
I totally bought those file boxes too for my kids and one for Thane and I after I got inspired from Kyle's tip at Enrichment. That was a great idea. Now I just need to get down to business and put the files together...
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