Thursday, August 23, 2007

Large and In Charge

My new favorite trick: One load of laundry a day. Big or small doesn't matter. Just one load to wash, dry, fold, and put away, and I am laundry free. No huge piles waiting to be done and causing me guilt like back in the day when I trudged through "laundry day." I hated that torturous day. Now my closet stays more organized, I have tons (okay, not tons, but ample) clothes ready to wear at a moments notice, and my laundry room is not an embarrassment. It makes me happy. And I have always despised the laundry beast. Who's in charge now, huh?!


Melissa said...

You go girl!!

Kate said...

I hate laundry... but it is there and there is nothing I can do about it. That is what flylady says- at least one per day.... I am going to try it!

Lauren said...

One load a day has saved my LIFE! Alas I have fallen off the wagon for the past two days, and I'll pay this weekend...but generally it is the only thing that makes sense of laundry world. I always wonder how my tiny family of four can make so much of it!! The poor Duggars...I can't imagine.

Madame Queen said...

I may not do a load a day, but I do try to do several in a week so that it's not all piled up in one day. MY only problem is that I don't always FOLD it when I'm done, so I do usually face a large pile to fold after several days. Oh well. Baby steps!