Sunday, August 5, 2007


Now it is time for an ode to coming home. The things I have enjoyed the last few days are:

1. Mr. Wicke making Saturday breakfast. Yummy!
2. Tag-team parenting. (It isn't good to be alone; it isn't good.)
3. Sunday dinners with great friends.
4. Monsoons. (Although I'm waiting for a real good one.)
5. Mr. Wicke's face...and to be honest, chest. It IS something wonderful to behold.
6. The Closer episodes I taped.
7. Catching up with friends.
8. Watching Mr. Wicke play with the children.
9. Daddy backup at bedtime.
10. Sleeping in my own bed.

Ooh...that last one sounds good. Goodnight.


Madame Queen said...

Girl, I am right there with you! My own bed looked pretty darn good last night. Glad you got home safely.

Amber said...

We just got home too, Buffalo WY, at the Paradise Ranch for a week. Loved it and love being home. Great to catch up!

Kate said...

I am so glad you are home- safe and sound- but I am sad I didn't get to see you! Maybe next time!