Is it wrong that it is 10:30 and I'm still in my pajamas? And that the beds still aren't made? Do you think it's bad that I'm considering just reading my book instead of doing all the laundry? Is it wrong that if all those things are wrong, I don't really want to be right today? Maybe it's just one of those days when I need to float.
But when I finally get my act together, I'm going to be paying it forward (finally!) Come back tomorrow for the details.
Well, I say it MUST be a good book! Go for it. What is the book? I'm always looking for good reads!
Nope nothin' wrong with that...the laundry will be there tomorrow.
It's been three years since I've made my bed. Nothing bad has ever happened to me because of it.
I say float!
I hope that you do not have the luck that I do when I take a day to myself. That is the day that the VT's drop by, or the kids bring someone home from school or the neighbors need to borrow something and they all get to see that you did nothing with yourself that day. I used to have a system with my neighbors that if the blinds were closed that I was taking a day to myself, come back tomorrow after my much needed time-out.
Enjoy your day!
it's 11:53 Still in pajamas......
NO NO NO! Hang out all day lady! You deserve it. And COME HANG OUT WITH ME!
I think you need it...admit it! Don't think I didn't notice that you embraced the visitor at Primary and said "Happy Birthday"..I think you were tired :)
I wanted one of those days today, but I couldn't pull it off. Now I just want to sit down. Maybe tomorrow i can "float".
You go girl! I wish I could do it!
I hate to admit that in this case, I tend to be more like Mr Wicke.
You know my mother right? I am spit image of her. Work Work Work...that is not a bad thing by any means, but in moderation you know?
After reading your blog, I realize how much I am in need of a day where I just float!
So thank you for the wake up call!
I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
I don't think I ever just SIT..This morning I was thinking what it would be like to just sit down and not be thinking about the 100 things I need to do...I need to try that once!
Float away sister!! And then take a bubble bath while your at it! Then, get BACK into your Pj's when you get out! I'm all for floating!! It makes for a nicer, happier home when we Mom's give ourselves permission to float! It's unnatural to be going 900 MPH all the time!
Happy floating!
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