Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Universe Has Spoken

Life is full of great coincidences, isn't it? Most of you know that this week I announced my consideration of life without TV for a while. My new blogging friend, EKB, over at The Musings of a Wandering Mind thinks I may be out of mine, but I think the universe is on my side. Because isn't it fascinating that just as I threw that idea out into the world, two days later I randomly picked a happiness podcast to listen to entitled If You Had a Year to Live, and wouldn't you know? Part of his proposed solution for greater happiness and fulfillment was turning off the TV. Can you say coinkidink?

The thing is, I'm not really anti-TV, so don't think I'm pushing a bill for a nationwide ban or anything. It's just that I've fallen into a bad habit lately of non-productivity. The path of least resistance to the couch and remote control is making Laurel a very dull girl, so it is time to shake things up!

This particular Dennis Prager podcast (get it here) was generated by a lecture given by Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who is dying of pancreatic cancer. He is feeling really good right now and his lecture was fantastic. (Go here to see as presented on Oprah. It's not the original, but it's more polished the second time around, I think.) Hearing him speak inspires me to think of how I want to spend the limited amount of time we all have on the earth.

In his podcast, Mr. Prager suggests that to find more happiness we all live as if we only had one year left. Actually, I think Tim McGraw suggested it first, but nonetheless, when asking myself what my life would look like in that scenario, I have to admit that my TV watching would be severely limited. It just doesn't rank in the top 10 things I would like to do, so...

I've watched no TV this week. None. Zero. Zilch. And I haven't missed it. Maybe I can thank the writer's strike for that, or maybe it's just because I have: Reconnected with a friend after she got home from a trip. Had my friend Jodi and her family over for a BBQ. Read to Logan longer than usual. Read my own books. Read my scriptures. Organized my closet. Caught up on my laundry. Written some blog posts. And here's the biggie: GONE TO BED EARLIER. And you know what? I'm not tired in the afternoons anymore. I'm diggin' it!

However, that said, some of you made some good points. Like The Office, the summer Olympics. Okay, alright. Maybe I can't completely check out from popular culture. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to record the shows (and I'm going to be choosy) that I want to watch, and just view them on the weekend. And I'll still get together with our friends on Thursday nights for our Lost parties. So, see EKB? Maybe I haven't completely lost my marbles. Perhaps I'm just searching for a happy balance. We'll see what the universe has to say about it.


Rochelleht said...

I LOVE it, Laurel. I was just telling my hub about this the other day. I really think that it is possible to have a balance. One need not throw it away. I like having conference on my Tivo to watch occasionally or the rare chick flick while I'm folding laundry. But I am so selective, that my tv watching takes up about 1 hour a week. Not enough to corrupt, I think, but enough to keep myself informed. I just think that we have so many things that we need to be doing with our lives. Service, Family prayer, scriptures and FHE, that I don't have time to be distracted by the outside world trying to weasel its way into my life through the media.

You rock, girl!!! Glad you had a good week.

Betsy said...

More power to you, Laurel! I couldn't do it, but I'm an escapist. Maybe more balance in my life would be good for me, but I'm in no rush. And how did we ever live without Tivo?

Deanna said...

Once again perfectly stated! You have had me really thinking since you posted the blog and it's funny: I had signed on to your blog to propose a similar solution. I'm thinking, thanks to tivo< I will record my favorite shows and every couple weeks or maybe only once a month... have a t.v. day. I love it. Great minds think alike. Plus like you stated, I think alot of those shows I sit and mindlessly watch would seem much less appealing after putting them aside for a few weeks. way to get us all on the right path.

Chrissy said...

I have recently cut down too and the strike has made it really easy! I don't think I can go without it entirely, but cutting down to a few recorded shows, it's not too bad. I do get more sleep and I love it!

Madame Queen said...

Good for you! Everything in life is all about balance. I'm hoping that once we move tv will play less of a role in our lives. And I find that once DST starts and spring arrives, we spend more time outside anyway and not in front of the tv.

Melissa said...

I really love it. I actually have been trying to limit tv watching in my own life. I love the idea of weekend watching. I think I will have to start.

Amanda said...

Years ago, after realizing we spent waaaay too many hours in front of the t.v. (before kids), we decided to cancel our cable and I limited myself to only three shows per season. If a new show came on that I wanted to start watching, I would have to eliminate one of the others. Now I'm down to just one consistent show (LOST) and on occassion I'll watch something else if I remember that it's on (Dancing w/ the Stars, SuperNanny). Maybe when Lost is over, I'll give up the t.v. all together.

Anonymous said...

You and RO both said it beautifully. I'm terrible when it comes to TV - I watch a lot of shows.(Well used to before the strike.) I find that life is so stressful that I need that outlet to relax and not use my mind for anything else in the evenings. I might have to consider my options.

Lisa-Marie said...

I think your solution is perfect! Moderation in all things. I knew you would come up with a solution that would work for you!

And I am glad that you had such a fabulous girl get-away!

pam said...

I've been TV free for 3 years. And I.Love.It. It's life changing. Now when I go to someone's house and they're watching tv and want me to watch, I sit politely but soon start fidgeting and physically have to get up. I feel violated that I'm forcing my mind to absorb such drivel. I know that sounds like so much hooey but it's true. For me no tv is the bombdiggity. whoop!!