The only downside was when I got in the van this morning and said, "Man, it stinks in here! Is there something stinky back there?" To which Griffin replied, "Yup. It's just my cucumber boat." Mmmm, mmm...
Part of the fun is the creation of the boat. Don't get excited. There was no whittling or sculpting involved. It's just a hollowed out cucumber half. Naming any object a "boat" automatically makes it so, right? We also got a little creative by making a personalized flag. Sadly, the flags didn't make it through the first sail. Such is life.
The rest was just free for all fun...
I'm looking for the fuzz. Don't see any coppers in your pictures. Don't tell me you got away with it?! I'm going to start calling you 'Lucky Laurel'. You like livin' on the edge, girl. What with your boat floating in municipal waters and smelly van...
Ha Ha Ha, Rochelle! Can you believe it? No one even batted an eye. Kids can get away with anything apparently.
I love the last picture... that is true friendship! Great mom moment!
So fun! Just cause it was cheap fun does not mean that it isn't PRICELESS! Your kids will remember that forever!
Oh that looks like such fun! Reminds me of when my sibs and I would make rafts out of popsicle sticks and float our Star Wars figures down the creek running through our neighbors property.
Good times.
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