Some of my happiest memories were made there. I remember playing house, each of us getting our own little section of the ditch where we created sitting areas and "cupboards" in the muddy banks; I remember one day when Kelly's out-of-town cousin was being a particular pain and we threw her in the ditch causing her to run home crying. We probably should have felt badly, but the reigning attitude was that she had it coming. I also remember my mom making cucumber boats which we raced from one end of the ditch to the other. I imagine all Cowley kids had such happy memories. Check out my neice Shana's comments from yesterday as proof.
The ditches are long gone now, replaced by progress I suppose, but I can't help but feel a little sorry for the Cowley kids of today. What are they going to do all summer long?
As a tribute to my childhood, my children and I are making cucumber boats today. I think I even thought of the perfect place to race them: Our local library has a nutty water feature that resembles a long ditch. And hey, if we get arrested my children may have some interesting childhood memories of their own.
Cucumber boats? Take pics I can't wait to see and hear stories about this one:)
We had open ditches too! I played the same games (except for house). My sibs and I used to race sticks through the culvert. We called it "Pooh Sticks" because Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends used to play the same game. My brothers used to always threaten to throw me in the ditch, and once, when I was about 14, one of them acutally did it! I can still see my mom laughing her head off. Apparantly I wasn't a nice teenager.
That sounds super fun...I didn't grow up in a small town (Tempe) but I do remember playing in the mud for hours when I was little...we would spend hours building imaginary towns!! Good memories!
What great memories. Here in Rexburg we still have the ditches. And they are fun. And we race cucumber boats in them too. Good times. Good times.
Have fun racing your boats at the library. For bloggy purposes only, it WOULD be a LITTLE fun if you got in just a bit of trouble for it. hee hee.
awww....so sweet! also, are cucumber boats actually little boats you carve from a cucumber?
In response to your comment...
I have definetly done the lunch with friends at Bashas (weekly in the summer)..but how bad is this..when Nate was a baby and would sit in his infant seat and be happy Benson and I would go on dates there on weekends if we couldn't find a babysitter!!! Now that he is old enough to go in to the Cubhouse I am sure we will do that again...we are so cheap!
We should meet there sometime for lunch :)
Oh, Laurel! I love the irrigation ditches. My in-laws still have one and flood their huge yard all the time, so my kids have a BLAST every summer. Good times, good times. Thanks for the memories.
Soo fun! I spent many summers in Boutntiful UT & there was a stream at the base of the hill in my best friends back yard. Barefoot & hours of fun! So sad that our kids have too many "modern convienences"! It takes away all the fun!
Growing up in utah we also played in the ditch! It was the best when people were irrigating!
AHH good memories
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