Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Packed Schedule

I have been bad all day. What I was supposed to be doing was packing and tying up all the loose ends before I leave tomorrow for a 3 week trip to Wyoming, but what I've been doing is...well, anything else. I DID get my dvr cleared so that I won't miss any scheduled recording while I am gone. VERY important. And I did see a couple, okay--a few, episodes of "Hey, Paula." Which has me completely persuaded that she does, indeed, have a drug problem of some sort. I'm just saying! She acts a little...odd?...most of the time.

Where was I? Oh, right! All the important things I've been doing to get ready for my trip.

Yeah, that's about it. I am half packed, so that is something. I asked Thomas what my problem was. He is sure it is an avoidance issue. Like if I put it off long enough somehow I will get out the 21 hour drive, alone, with two small children whose favorite pastime is irritating one another. I don't know what he's talking about! Why would I want to avoid that?

Ooh, look! "Flip That House" marathon. Gotta go.


Melissa said...

I think I have avoidance issues also....that's why I blog!!

Amber said...

It keeps me entertained so keep avoiding things!

Kate said...

Okay- this is so embarrasing... but I watch the Hey Paula show too sometimes....and like you I definitely thing she has a drug problem.