Monday, June 29, 2009

No Time for Thinking

I would love to write a "deep thoughts" post because, joyfully, I have actually had two deep thoughts in the last couple of months. (A rare occurance since bringing baby home.) But, sadly, writing anything thought provoking would take too much time, and I have more pressing matters, like the crying baby who just woke up from his nap, the spitup I cleaned off my shoulder earlier this morning, the dustballs under my bookshelves, the unmade beds in my children's room, and the little spot that I just noticed on my shirt that could very well be baby poop. See why a deep thought would be a welcome change around here? Oh well. Maybe later.


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Oh the Joys of Motherhood;)
Your the greatest. Thanks for always making me smile, deep thoughts or not;)
Are you going home at all this summer?

Deanna said...

It's so nice to know that motherhood is so gracious to all of us. Thanks for the laughs.