Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pros and Cons of Summer

Pros of summer: I get to spend lots of time with my kids.

Cons of summer: I get to spend lots of time with my kids.

Like Dickens said: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. During the summer I get to do a lot of things with my kiddos that we don't have time for in the school year. Already we have been to the library--twice, started swim team practices--every day, been on a trip to the lake, started co-op summer school classes, had family to visit, started daily chores, and today I'm teaching them how to make cookies. That's a lot in just two weeks, and I'm grateful for this extra time. Grateful to really get a chance to mother.

But I'd be lying if I didn't say that I hate the bickering that accompanies it. And trying to get them to listen is like trying to capture a butterfly. Their attention flits in every direction.

And I may have realized why public school was instituted in the first place. I was talking to another mom at swim team practices and she was saying how behind in laundry she was. "I thought since we'd be swimming so much during the summer that there would be less laundry to do!" I'm in the same boat, but the thing is between the extra activities, the extra lunches to make, the extra referee-ing, and the extra entertaining that is necessary with all of this free time, I find I have very little free time of my own.

I don't think I'm alone in this. (Jeez, I hope not!) I for one am going to try to remind myself that this time is precious. It is so fleeting, and I will never be able to get it back. Maybe I can put up with the bickering if I remember that it is not forever. Not even close. And maybe a little alone time once in a while may help too! Movie night, anyone?


Lauren said...

I totally know what you mean. Grace is driving me crazy. Joseph finally made an "I'm bored" jar. It's really cute and has lots of different things from chores, to making books/writing letters, to building a lego castle. :) Hopefully it will last. I am totally up for a movie night or a Cafe Rio run. :)

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Amen, Sister.....
We have been out almost two weeks, and my kids are fighting already too. We do get a lot of chores done. That's how they earn FB time;), and if the fighting continues...NO Computer at all, and lots of weed pulling. I love that part, because I hate to pull weeds;)

Stacey said...

We have been out 5 days...mom, can you take me here and then pick us up and go here then we need to be back because so and so is coming over at this time. The other one says Mom, I need...I want...HOLY COW!!! I need and want, too!! :) A forsee a loooong summer!! Enjoy!

Rochelleht said...

I'd LOVE to go to a movie with you.

I am finding that my children don't have the manners I thought they did or should have. I'm feeling like a failure. UGH! Yesterday, they had friends over and they still complained the whole day of boredom and they weren't very considerate of their friends.

That's worse than bickering, my friend. It's a sad realization that my job as a parent is NEVER done. Though the laundry DID get finished yesterday...

Ella said...

We are on day 3 and I totally lost it this morning. It doesn't help that we are having the coldest June on record in Minnesota (40-50's) so I've been cooped up with them for three days. At lunch I told them, something's gotta give - don't ask for any screen time until 3 p.m., no one is allowed to say the word "bored" or you owe me money, and you'd better find ways to help in the morning when I'm working so I feel good about letting you play in the afternoon. It's an adjustment for us all. But yea - this time is precious. Thanks for the reminder!

mother of seven said...

I miss you!!!!

Shana said...

I'm not in the stage yet where my kiddos are in school every week day, but I am sure looking forward to those days. They are just around the corner for Alyssa. This September she will be in Pre-K (half days)
I'm in for a movie! Come on over and let's hit the town! :)
I only wish it would be that simple. I miss you...I miss my whole family.