Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hi Turtle. I'm the Hare.

One thing I am not: Consistent. Never have been. I am either at 110 with my hair on fire or at 2 MPH. Kind of drives me crazy; kind of works for me, too. I get a lot done at 110. But today was back to the gym after about 4 weeks off at 2. And I'm tired. Too tired to write. Too tired to even be mad that I've let myself get out of shape again. Too tired to contemplate going back again tomorrow. But not too tired to wonder, what the heck is wrong with me?


Madame Queen said...

Hey, but at least you went. Pat yourself on the back for that. I haven't been in weeks. WEEKS!!

Rochelleht said...

Yea, I can't even go there. I was SOOOOO SOOOO good about working out for so long and I have slid and I'm not going to talk about it anymore.

Melissa said...

I am thinking that maybe I will join you again one of these days. I DREAD that first day back!

Amber said...

I can't help you here...I don't excersize and when I do, its so inconsistent. At least your doing it! That is a small victory.

Megan B said...

I am with you. Or not with you. Whichever way you look at it. Need to get my butt in gear. Great job.