Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's too Early to Hear This Stuff

As I'm getting out of bed this morning, I hear:

Griffin:  Mom.  This treadmill is really dusty.  Mom.  We need to use the feather duster on this treadmill 'cause it's really, really dusty.  Mom...

Logan:  Yeah.  That's because Mom hasn't used it in a loooong time.  She's losing the weight on her own (What does she know about the weight, anyway?)...but it's been a long time since Bubba was born, hasn't it, Mom?



Erin said...

Your kids are hilarious!

Ella said...

You make me laugh every time you post! Have you ever heard the quote about success credited to Ralph Waldo Emerson (he didn't really say it first, but people give him the credit)? To truly succeed is to know one person has breathed easier because you have lived. I think you've done that for many - know you have been and are a success and we're all glad you're here!