Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Once upon a time Mr. Wicke and I went on a short 4 day cruise. It was his anniversary present to me. What I remember most of that trip? I slept for the first two days. Really, really slept. Only got up for meals kind of sleep. I'm sure it wasn't the vacation Mr. Wicke envisioned.

In the years following, when I looked back on that little escape, I couldn't believe I had behaved in such a fashion. What a waste of a good vacation! Certainly I could have taken more advantage of the on board entertainment. Or enjoyed the view from the deck. Or maybe even given Mr. Wicke a little more attention. Poor fella! Frankly, I was a little ashamed of myself.

You see, I had forgotten. I didn't remember the bone-softening ache for sleep I had in those days. At the time, Griffin was one and Logan was three, and Mr. Wicke traveled out of town three days a week for work and school. Every day felt like a marathon. I'm remembering that feeling now. Now that I have been sleep deprived for awhile. I understand again that feeling of wandering around the house with my eyes open but my insides asleep. Partially here and partially not. That feeling of waking up and wondering when I will be able to sleep again. And 14 hours seems like a very long way off.

Boy, do I remember now. And I don't blame myself for that sleepcation one little bit. In fact, I think I need another one, and I'm looking forward to the time when I forget again how this feels.


Ella said...

Please tell me that you did not really post this at 3:00 a.m. - although having had 4 babies myself, I can believe it if you did. I always thought the hardest part of having a baby was the sleep deprivation. Hang in there and know that I feel for you!

Audrey said...

Oh, yes. I remember the first time Phoebe slept through the night...she was 11 months old!!! So I understand a DEEP state of sleep deprevation. I recall, on more than one occassion, catching myself putting perishables in the cupboard and canned goods in the fridge. Of course, this is only one example of my odd behavior at the time! Hope you get some good sleep soon!

Shana said...

Yes, I know that feeling. It has been awhile, but I will never forget it.
Hang in there!

The Saggau House said...

What I remember about being sleep deprived after London came home was the feeling of walking into a room only to have to wait 3-4 minutes for your brain to catch up with the rest of you. I often felt like I was draggin my head behind me on a 15 ft leash.

This too shall pass. :) Unfortunately, all too quickly. ;)

The Saggau House said...

that was supposed to say "my brain" not "your brain".

Some parts never caught up at all!

Deanna said...

THe feelings of 'new momhood" oh how we all know them.