Thursday, September 4, 2008

Clearing Up Some Vocabulary Questions

The other morning, after Logan had gone to school, Griffin asked for a movie and a snuggle, which means he wanted me to lie down next to him and keep him company. I revved up the DVD and plopped myself down, happy to put off housekeeping duties for a few minutes, but I will admit that my mind was elsewhere, busy reviewing the to-do list for the day until I heard this:

"It's not coming on...Sonofabitch."

Wha--!? I was stunned! It knocked the wind out of me for a few seconds. "Griffin! That is a terrible word. It's a potty word. We do not say that!"

He looked at me with big, innocent eyes. "Can I say 'I-yi-yi?'"

"...Uh, yeah?"

"Well,it's not coming on. I-yi-yi!"

Alrighty, then...Glad we got that cleared up.


Kyle said...

Ha!HA! HA! That is me laughing out loud! That is SO FUNNY!

Hamilton Family said...

A laugh to begin the day and a laugh to end the day! Laurel, you're blog is awesome!!! Thanks!

mother of seven said...

Well then..... Thanks for my morning chuckle!!!

desert mom said...

Yes, a good way to start my day. Give that little guy a hug for me.

Sher said...

That is too funny. Sadly, though, my kids only have learned the potty words from me. I've been trying to clean up my act.

Melissa said...

Oh that story makes me giggle out loud!

Madame Queen said...

Bwahahahahaha! Wonder where he heard THAT?

You know, I once heard one of Bubba's DVDs say "Yeah, I'm gonna kick your a**!" Needless to say, we don't watch that one anymore.

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

I couldn't write anything when I first read it because I was cracking up so hard so know that I have calmed down...holy cow...I am still cracking up.
That is so funny,

Pam said...

My son Scotty came home from school once telling me that a boy had gotten in trouble for swearing on the playground. When I asked what word the classmate had said, my sweet son responded, "You know, the word that Nana always says when we play Go Fish." Yeah, it was the SH word (and I don't mean shut up!). All I can say is EiYiYi!

Amber said...

I love a laugh, and that was a great little end to the day. Thanks Grif. What other cool words have you gifted him?
"I don't think I have ever usen a sore word in my life."

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

that is sooo funny. Thanks Griffin for getting in trouble for our sakes!
Where did he hear that :) Is that before or after you throw up??

Debbie said...

Laurel you REALLY need to stop swearing! :)
That is funny!

Ashlee said...

Classic! What I would give to be able to meet you for a walk around the lake?! What is your schedule like this week? I could do Wednesday or Friday.

Britany said...

That is so funny!

Maya keeps saying, "Mommy, we don't say sonofabitch, huh?" I guess that is her way to say it! :)