Friday, November 9, 2007

A Play By Play of My Swim Upstream

Hallelujah! I did it! I made it through one crazy, busy week. I knew going into it Sunday night that it would be a long haul, and I prayed for the ability to just hold up. Check. Prayer answered.

Here how it played out:
Monday-Work out. Clean house like a mad woman because it was the only day it was going to happen. As it turned out it was my only work out this week as well. Something's got to give.

Tuesday-Teach pre-school. Make 34 cupcakes and take to school for Logan's birthday. Take Logan to singing class while somehow cooking dinner early so we can open presents and take her to the Bee Movie. (No more miniature golfing.)

Wednesday-Plan and then teach my weekly mommy and me music class. Go to the grocery store to shop for Thursday's pie making class. Spend the rest of that evening making a plethora of pies.

Thursday-Wake up early to finish preparation for pie-making class and still get Logan out the door for school. Print and copy recipes for attendees. Go back to the store for the items I forgot the day before. Teach the class. Come home and clean up my mess. Then start planning Logan's birthday party. Run to the party store and shop wildly. Pick up the house and clean floors so I at least appear together to guest's moms.

Friday-Finish (that is just never the appropriate word for housework) cleaning, run to the store for last minute items, pick up the cake (no--I'm not baking anymore this week!) and ice cream. Come home and put together the goody bags, games, and treasure hunt. (No pirate party is complete without one.) And then let the crazy begin.

Now-I've put the kids to bed early and we are joining our friends for games and dinner. I have no plans for tomorrow, and I am thrilled. We are going to sleep late and stay in our pj's as long as we want. The race is over, and it's like my mom always says: You can't swim upstream every day. Some days you just have to float. Tomorrow we float!


Melissa said...

All I a can say is "Shwew!" Good job hanging in there. Enjoy the float.

Madame Queen said...

Boy that does sound like a busy week! You need to post the recipe for all your pies! You could do an online pie making class!

Megan B said...

I want a pie making party. You are THE best pie maker I know. Next time I am in town we are all over it! And we should throw in those sweet rolls just for kicks. FUN!

Rochelleht said...

Did you put on your Tiffany hairband, so you could go for a floaoaoat?

If you think I'm a freak for posting that, then you obviously do not hear as much High School Musical 2 in your house as we do.

Then again, maybe I'm just a freak anyway?

Lisa-Marie said...

"Keep swimming , just keep swimming."

Dori (Finding Nemo)

Lisa-Marie said...

By the way, all the things you do are AMAZING. You should feel tired. And accomplished. And incredible. And tired again.

Amanda said...

Oooh, float. I want to float. Or maybe I just want A float. Rootbeer float. Rootbeer float with whipped cream.

Hey! There's an A&W across the street. See ya!

Kate said...

Amazing... that is what I accomplish is a month! You go girl!

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

You really are SUPER MOM! Not that I had any doubt! I gotta try this "float" thing sometime. How do you get the kids to cooperate!?!