Friday, November 23, 2007

It's All Good!

I have turkey hangover. But yesterday was oh, so good! All the way around. The people--good! The food--good. The conversation--good. The kids--good. The pie, and more pie--gooooood. At one point in the day, while I was cooking, and the children were playing, and the holiday music was on, and family and friends were mingling, I was so contentedly happy that I could have burst. Really. I experienced one of those brilliantly bright moments of absolute joy that confirm the goodness of life. So good!


Lisa-Marie said...

"I was so contentedly happy that I could have burst."

That is beautiful! I feel the same way.

I can't wait to get home and turn on my Christmas music!!!!! Happy holidays!

Rochelleht said...

Oh, I love that! That is truly what life is all about. I love those moments!!!

Amanda said...

I love the fact that when you are with people you love, you really don't have to be DOING anything. Just hanging out, eating good food, enjoying good conversation and being together. I love Thanksgiving because it's not about the candy, the gifts or anything else. It's just coming together for one special meal with the special people in your life.

I'm so glad you enjoyed your holiday!

Madame Queen said...

I had some of those moments over the holidays, too. I guess the holidays are one of the few times we can actually slow down and enjoy our time together intead of running around from one thing to another. Glad you had a great holiday!