Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Girl by Any Other Name

A few days ago, as I was doing Logan's hair in the morning, she said, "Mom? Yesterday Emily and I tried to make a new friend..."

"That's terrific!" I encouraged.

"But she didn't want to be our friend."

"What? I can't imagine anyone not wanting to be friends with you!"

"I think it might have been the outfit I was wearing."

"Oh, I doubt that. You looked so cute yesterday. What happened exactly?"

"Well, we went up to her her at recess and asked if she wanted to be our friend, and she said, 'No way, Jose!"

"Well...that was kind of rude."

"Yeah! And you'd think she would be a lot nicer. I mean her name is Mary!"


Rochelleht said...

Rose by any other name...

Well, look at Madonna. Also not nice. Just ask her ex.

Aubrey said...

That's funny--we know a Mary who's kind of spitfirish too. Who misnamed these chidlren?

The Motherboard said...


Amanda said...

My MIL's name is Mary and she's positively the sweetest person I know! :)

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

That is a crack up!

Pam said...

Logan is so sweet. Don't you wish everyone was that sweet?