Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fire Hazard Ahead

You know what happens when you put flammable materials near a match? How about this: I have been super, super irritable the last couple of days (I'm blaming the chlomed) and Mr. Wicke is going on a 4 day camp out with the 14-15 year old scouts. This situation should have warning signs plastered all over it!

Take out pizza and movies are SO in order!

Also, if you are interested in seeing my house in chaos mode, please feel free to stop by. And bring chocolate.


Madame Queen said...

Girl, I hear you. Do whatever it takes to get through.

Debbie said...

OOHh..I remember when the clomid cloud moves in..NOT FUN!
Good luck with that! Hand in there!

1blueshi1 said...

did you know that there are (moves in close and whispers) chocolate martinis?
I don't know if you drink alcohol but some Hershey's chocolate syrup dripped around the rim of a martini glass and said glass filled with icy cold vodka and chocolate milk can be a Momsaver around these parts at times.
except now I want one and it's not even 10AM!!!!

Sher said...

My husband left me last week to go to the Indy 500 for "work". I was a total mess (and not even on fertility drugs)! I always am when he travels. Men must have a really big ego after we whine and complain about them leaving. I think I'm due to pay him back and go have a weekend of my own!

Elisa said...

Let the mood swings begin! Good luck.
This is what cold cereal, movies and Pizza were invented for. No really. It's true.

Melissa said...

There is a fire hazard at my house also. Jeff is packing up to go with the priest today and I don't have clomed as an excuse. I am just down right cranky. Brandi and I are taking the kids out to eat on Thursday night. Come along, and I promise there will be chocolate.

Pam said...

I hear ya! I have lots of chocolate on-hand and if you need a kid break just call me and they can play over here. Griffin entertains me to no end!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Sorry to hear about the "Mood" but I am in one too and I do not have clomid to blame it on. I think it is the kids-are-here-all-the-time adjustment and the fact that we are due to have rain all week. I feel like I am living in Seattle, where is the sun. Do you have it down there cause I am really missing it.

Jen said...

Sounds like a mixed drink might be in order!! Or is that a no-no on the clomid????

Jen said...

Jeff leaves for a week in Morocco on Saturday and I will be left with four children, ripe with "we just started summer break" boredom and arguing. YIKES!! I think I'll stock up on the chocolate.

Megan B said...

Just a simple many rooms are you re-painting/re-decorating in preparation for guests??? Be honest! I know you better than that!! Just SIT DOWN and EAT CHOCOLATE!! Diet Coke always takes the edge off for me. And STOP worrying about your guests. They are coming to see YOU and NOT your it's already beautiful HOUSE...oh and your pool!

Aubrey said...

I SO feel your pain--literally. I curse those people who told us to multiply and replenish the earth, waited until we had three kids 5 and under, and made my husband SCOUTMASTER.

Actually, he's been scoutmaster for three years, but last year's scout camp was the worst because I did have three under five and one who was five months, and I didn't have any support from my mom, who was with my sister, who'd just had a baby.

Yeah, at this point, I could care less if my boys are Eagles. Don't tell my dad, the eternal scoutmaster, it's like sacrilege to him. See? I'm a scouting orphan and scouting widow. UGH.

My husband's going to scout camp next week and I am GLEEFUL that I'm making him come home to drive south for my family reunion. And I could care less that they're struggling to find replacements for him after he leaves--is that bad?

Rochelleht said...

Um, don't all our houses look like that this week? It's going to be a long summer.