Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Tomorrow is a big day in Mr. Wicke's life. After almost a decade he is defending his Ph.D. thesis. I pray for resounding success. And before he heads into a room to face a panel of would-be critics/peers, this is what I would like to say:

Dear Mr. Wicke,

There are not enough nouns, or any other part of speech, to express how proud I am of you. I could not have walked the long road you have persistently plodded these last many years. Literally one foot in front of the other every day. Who has that kind of persistence? You utterly amaze me with your work ethic and loyalty to your goals, and all the while you have financially supported this family, allowing me to stay home with our children without complaint. I know that earning a Ph.D. is not a part-time pursuit, yet somehow you have maintained a full-time career and been a spectacular father and husband besides. That is not only impressive but inspiring.

What I would have you know is that I see you. I understand your sacrifice. You would never complain, you are a man after all, but I know, at least to some degree, the difficulty and work that you have endured. When I think of the qualities that make a man a true success, you possess them all. I see you, darling.

And I love you.

Break a leg tomorrow.

p.s. After you come home, and after this 345 page paper is finally turned in and there are no more rewrites late into the night, and after we have a huge blow-out party...well, you know there is a honey-do list coming, right? xoxo


Madame Queen said...

What an awesome letter. I think it is so important to let someone you love know that you "see" them, that you "get" them, that you understand the sacrifices they've made.

Good luck, Mr. Wicke!!! Knock `em dead!

Rochelleht said...

WOW! Congratulations. That's some persistence. On both your parts. Very impressive. And what a super sweet letter. Loved it!!

Amber said...

That is bigger than big. How amazing to finally settle that aspect of phd life. On to the next big thing?? You are both inspiring and amazing.

Amanda said...


What an amazing accomplishment! You really are an inspiration. I hope you are as proud of yourself as your family and friends are!

Betsy said...

Good luck Mr. Wicke!

Lisa-Marie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! (To both of you.) I loved the letter. The concept of really SEEING someone is beautiful!

Lauren said...

Good Luck Mr. Wicke!!!!

And that was a great letter. Im sure your support was a major factor in his success. Hooray for both of you!

Burgh Baby said...

A big congrats to you both! It takes a team effort to make something like that happen. Even if Mr. Wicke did all the research and work to earn the PhD, I'm sure he couldn't have done it without some support and understanding.

Ashlee said...

Way to go Thomas and Laurel!!! This undertaking has been going on the entire time we have known you! I am happy to see you reach your goal!