Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Our home has become a favorite with the Jehovah's Witnesses. They are loving us here, and come see us at least once a month. Now I belong to a proselyting church, so I get it. I mean it takes some courage to get out there and knock on doors, so we are always kind and welcoming. I even find their literature rather interesting to read. Oh yes, the Watch Tower and I have become familiar. But this month they've doubled their efforts, and I'm thinking I may have to use my tried and true method of turning them away.

Tune in tomorrow for another installment of "How Things Go Very Wrong in the Life of Laurel Wicke."


Madame Queen said...

Can't wait to hear this one!

When I was staying home with Bubba when he was a baby, there was a very nice group of elderly Jehovah's Witness ladies who came by my house every week. They were so nice I didn't have the heart to turn them away. And even though I told them we were very active in our own church, they still stopped by EVERY week. You gotta admire that kind of persistence!!

Melissa said...

I can't wait to hear what you have up your sleeve.

Lisa-Marie said...

Ooooh. This is gonna be good!

(Does the word "gonna" make your English teacher little heart just drop?!?!?!)

"The Queen in Residence" said...

When we lived in Idaho we also were on the must visit monthly rotation for JW's. I also had a dear friend that was of that faith and we finally came to an understanding that neither of us were ever going to change the others way of thinking, BUT, I now can say that I have a JW friend and she can also say that all those things about "Mormon's" is not true. Funny where the Lord places you and the impact that you can have on another....Just think you might be able to convert them with good old fashioned kindness.