Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What are the Odds?

Scorpions are sort of a fact of life here in the desert.  I guess.  No one really told me that before moving here.  We get them sometimes.  Like 8 inside the house during the six years we've lived here.  That's some for me.  I don't like it.  It creeps me out completely, but what are you gonna' do?  Move out?  Umm...if I'm totally honest, sometimes I think about it.  But then my logic comes back.

Either that or I talk to my brother who tells me to suck it up.

But what are the odds that tonight, when I have a number of women over for a movie night, we have to see two of them!  Seriously??

When I opened the front door to welcome my first two guests, their first words were, "Uh, you have a scorpion in your driveway."

Now doesn't that just say "Welcome to my lovely home?"  Super great first impression.  I was so proud, but...C'mon.  It's outside.  Nature's a drag.  What can I say?  So I killed it and didn't think much about it.

But then, when I reached in the back of the cupboard for the big, plastic, popcorn bowl that I don't use very often, and found a scorpion inside it?!!!  Now maybe some people could handle that kind of situation quietly and subtlely, but I'm not one of those people.  I called a code red to Mr. Wicke--loudly and repeatedly--which he did NOT answer!  Something about changing clothes up in our closet or some such nonsense.  Anyway, one of my brave friends fought the battle with me.  She's a native Arizonian.  Turns out Windex kills scorpions.  Who knew?

Anywhoo, everyone was a little jumpy after that despite my assurances that we really hardly ever see those nasty things in the house.  Really we don't, but  I'm not sure they believed me.  I wouldn't.  I mean those are some crappy odds.

Why doesn't that surprise me?


Shana said...

Oh man! That makes the hair on my neck raise up. I'm not good with creepy crawling things either. :)

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

We would have them all the time when we lived in Laredo, TX. I would have the bug guy come every six weeks to spray. They are such creepy little things. Good luck;)

Lisa-Marie said...


we used to get BATS in our house.

i'm not sure which is worse. bats or scorpions. i think we both win some sort of prize!

Shayne said...

Never seen a scorpian in Cheyenne...better pack up Thomas and the kids....

Shayne said...
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Erin said...

Windex? Isn't that just the cure all of today? They totally creep me out and I haven't even seen one that wasn't in a cage. I guess I am thankful for our mosquitos.

Rochelleht said...

Crazo! I'm still thinking it beats rats...

Which we have in abundance.

Stacey said...

YUCK! WE had cockroaches in Houston and now a HORRIBLE spider scorpions, yet.....I have the pest control on speed dial....Good luck! :)