Monday, June 28, 2010

A Listening Exercise

I heard him before my eyes opened, the heavy patter of feet down the hall.  "Maybe if I lie really still and keep my eyes closed he'll let me 'sleep' a few minutes longer," I thought.  Experience tells me that if Griffin sees my eyes open in the morning, he considers me fair game, and so I lay, eyes closed and ears pricked.  I listened for clues of other awakening life.  There were no sounds from the baby's room, and from the absence of bickering I concluded that Logan, too, had yet to stir.  I peeked out from one eye:  Griffin was no where in sight.  Possibly he had already gone downstairs to munch on bread and entertain himself in the playroom.  Again I listened intently.  No sounds of distress.  I rolled over to catch just a few more minutes.  He was soon to get bored I was sure.

Two minutes later I heard the sounds of the TV clicking on.  What was still a mystery, however, was what program he was watching.  The only sound I could make out was the deep voice of a grown woman.  The animal planet, perchance?  That was the only thing I could come up with.  No...something didn't seem to fit.  After listening a few moment more there was definitely a lack of interest-pricking background music.  What was he watching?

Unable to be sure, I slowly I made my way down the stairs rubbing sleep out of my eyes.  As I turned the corner I rubbed my eyes again, this time out of sheer consternation.  It wasn't Nickelodian, or the Disney Channel, or Animal Planet.  No.  It was a yoga class on BYU TV.

"What are you watching?" I queried.

"Stretching," he replied his head dropped between his knees, his fingers touching his toes.

"...and hold...breathing in and out..."the voice from the TV calmly suggested.

I shook my head, giggled, and joined him for a downward dog.


Stacey said...

Good for you! That is great!

Shana said...

Heeheehee! He is funny! I need to him to come get me up to excercise in the mornings. I'd be a lot more healthy and fit I think! :)

Debbie said...

If you and he can touch your toes, more power to ya!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

So cute! I think that yoga lady has been @ BYU for a hundred years;)

Rochelleht said...

Tee hee. Yoga with kids is about the funnest thing in life.

tawnya said...

My 3 year old ROUTINELY does yoga. Cracks me up!

Laurel said...

One of my favorite new blogs is The Extraordinary Ordinary and yours delivers on that sentiment.

I LOVE this.

(and we get to meet in October when you come to TOFW in Phoenix...just so you know.)

Aubrey said...

Your kids are funny. And the picture of the baby smothered in desitin is so classic. He's so cute.

Maggie May said...

family yoga rocks! :)