Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Trouble with Summer

The messes they can make!

The trouble with summer is that you have double the work and half the time.  I actually broke a sweat mothering yesterday; I'm not kidding.  Up, down, in, out, over, under, in the car, out of the car, back in the car, dishes, mopping, dishes, vacuuming, project, swimming, laundry, laundry, refereeing, laundry, dishes again, project, project, reading, crashing.

That's how it went.  I'm actually a little stiff and sore today.

P.S.  If I can ever find the time, I'll tell you about my worst parenting day ever.


Shana said...

Yup! That sounds just about right! That picture of Lincoln- what a cute little trouble maker he is! :)

Stacey said...

.....but look at that precious little man!!!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and getting big!!
I love summer time...really I do. But I am feeling as though nothing is getting accomplished. Oh well!

Rochelleht said...

OH! But how cute is HE!?!

Just finally got my road trip update posted. It doesn't compare to your horrid cabin trip, but then, what could? And who would want to compete with that?! :-)

Deanna said...

I'm right there with you. I'm trying the whole "living in the moment" and trying to be the "fun" mom.It is completely exhausting. I have to say... I am taking lots of pictures so when I hear"we didn't do anything" I have proof.
Just think of all the calories your burning :) Hang in there! School will start before we know it.

p.s. Lincoln is one cute little man. How can you not love that sweet little face.

Audrey said...

Oh boy, don't know if I could contain the laughter if you told me about the worst parenting day ever...

Breaking a sweat is what motherhood is all about,isn't it? :)