Friday, March 12, 2010

The Art of the Well Written Note

The tooth fairy is my least favorite of the magical characters.  She's a bit forgetful, and not very prompt.  Sometimes she shows up a couple of days late, at least around here.  And her demanding those teeth?  C'mon.  Doesn't she know that six, seven, and eight year olds lose everything?  How in the world are they supposed to keep track of those miniscule teeth?

The phrase "I lost my tooth!" is always accompanied by tears.  We should know.  I don't think Griffin has gotten any of his first four actually under the pillow.  Instead he has had to settle for a note of explanation which he hoped the tooth fairy would honor.  She did. 

Tonight, though, I really thought we had it.  He managed to get home from school with it still in his pocket.  After he dropped it on the back patio, we were able to locate it.  When he misplaced it after dinner, he was able to find it.  But then, just as he was brushing his teeth before bed, I heard the other shoe drop in the form of heartbroken sobs.

"What happened?" I asked as I hurried toward the bathroom.

He met me outside the door, tears streaming down his face.  "I lost my tooth."

Man, we were so close this time.

"It went down the drain!" he cried.

"Oh, no.  Were you trying to make it nice and shiny?"  I guessed taking in the wet toothbrush, puddles of water, and copious amount of toothpaste covering the vanity.

"Yes.  And then I dropped it, and it went down the drain."

"Don't cry, honey.  We'll see if Daddy can get it," I said.

"Yeah," Logan comforted.  "And if he can't we can just write a note."

We're good at notes around here.

Mr. Wicke did find it, but if somehow Griffin loses it between the bathroom and his bed, we've got it covered.  Take that, Tooth Fairy!


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

What a sweet note.....I'm not a fan of the tooth fairy either, and I'm so glad she doesn't have to make visits to our house anymore.
All your post's are so are a great story teller, I think you should write a book;) know in all your spare time;)

Deanna said...

I look forward to 'losing the tooth' because of the great letters written to the tooth fairy. Colby wrote the most hilarious one a couple of weeks ago... I need to find a way to post it on my blog. Wade and I laughed for a long time over that one.

Hamilton Family said...

We've been waiting for the tooth fairy for over a year now! Each of the boys has a zip lock bag with a hefty sum of teeth in the bottom. I think she must not be showing up knowing our house would break her bank. I think the last time she delivered on a tooth was at Christmas '08 and she passed the job onto Santa Clause!

Jewel said...

Your posts always make me laugh--and this one is just precious. The note is just one of those things you're gonna have to keep forever. :)

Shana said...

So sweet!

Britany said...

I love the note!!! Maya has lost 2 teeth and both of them have not made it to the pillow either :).

Alice Childs said...

Darn that tooth fairy! She is not very prompt anywhere in the world, apparently. Such a cute story.

Laurel said...

i seriously can't stand how adorable this is.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I love the letter and believe it or not we have only had one of those incidents. Go I read about your mishaps I thought it must be a miracle that we only lost one out of many, many teeth.
PS the Tooth Fairy is always late and forgetful around here too. I'm not much of a fan:)

Audrey said...

What a good big sis. As a kid, I once swallowed, yes swallowed, my own tooth.

Remember "red-hots" candy. I had a hand full of those when I gingerly pulled my dangling tooth out. I got distracted...I was still eating the thing you know, my hand is empty. No more more tooth!