Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beautiful, Beautiful Blogland

I am a regular visitor to Blogland.  It's a beautiful place.  Almost like a fairytale at times, which only leaves me to conclude that...some blogs lie!  Well, at least I think they might stretch the truth a bit.  Or maybe they just don't include the bad stuff.  That is the only explanation I can come up with for what has happened around here these last couple of days. 

You see, sometimes as I peruse Blogland I see all kinds of neat things going on.  Fall traditions galore:  kids crafts, carmeled apples, pumpkin butter, and roasted pumpkin seeds just to name a few.  And then I start thinking (which is never a good thing) "I'm not doing anything special...Not a craft in sight...What kind of fall traditions do we have around here anyway???"  Then I start feeling (which is worse).  I feel bad for my kids and I feel a little/sorta like a bad mom, or at the very least not a very creative one, and I always thought--when I pictured myself as a mom--that I'd be the kind that would be creative and delightful.

I want to be creative and delightful.  I want fall traditions, especially the kind that are pictured in Blogland.  They look so fun and festive, and everyone is happy, and the pictures.  Oh, the pictures!  They're beautiful.  Creativity never looked so good or so clean.  Not a speck of spilled glue anywhere.  And the kids, all scrubbed and coifed in their JCrew sweaters, look angelically joyful.  See?  Right there.  That's the life I want.  And I was sure I could get it at Hobby Lobby. 

All I needed was an idea.  Then I remembered:  Somewhere during this last year I saw the most adorable halloween lanterns made from paper mache.  I had never done paper mache, but I was sure my kids would love it.  My craft, at last!  I gathered and bought the supplies, which in and of itself took far longer than I anticipated.  (After 8 years, I still forget how little I can get done with kids in tow.)  By the time I was finally ready to start the project, I was already behind in laundry and dinner wasn't started. Perhaps that should have signaled a warning bell in my head.  It did not.  My friends call me unrealistically optimistic.  It's a fitting description.  I plowed ahead.

The next day, Sunday, we had a rare afternoon with no meetings, choir practices, home teaching visits--nothing.  A perfect time to do a family craft!  And so it began.  Almost immediately there was paper mache everywhere.  I wanted to take a picture, but Mr. Wicke and I couldn't clean up fast enough.  Logan insisted on washing her hands after every strip, and Griffin was...well, Griffin was Griffin.  Dirty and messy and going a mile a minute.  Wait a second.  Blogland pictures don't include dripping paper mache and messy countertops.  What was I doing wrong? 

By the time we finally worked out a system, the kids were bored.  "Okay, we've done one.  Now can we go play?"  The kids in blogland never get bored.  Crafts out there are exciting and the kids finish every project with gusto.  In my house it was a little more like this:  "Hey.  We've got to get five of these done.  Now get back here."

Mr. Wicke and I spent the next two hours paper mache-ing together.  He loves being married to me.  It's fun.

Tonight it is three days later.  I'm still not finished.  Not with my schedule.  And in the little free time I do have, I'm so busy repairing, painting, and modgepodging paper mache lanterns that my house is a disaster.  I have yet to decorate for Halloween.  It's two days away.

Look, either there's something really wrong with me, or someone out there ain't tellin' the whole truth.  As much as I'd like my life to look like it stepped out of Martha Stewart magazine, that's just not my reality.  And I could feel really badly about  myself if I tried to live up to those glossy photos every minute.  Life is just messy, especially when you're busy living it, and that, I think, is okay. 

Just don't expect any pictures.


Erin said...

I always feel like I am stepping into a Martha Stewart magazine when I come to your house. I love your optimism. And those bloggers probably don't show all the half finished projects shoved in a closet somewhere because they had to make dinner.

Debbie said...

The messy counters, floors are indeed hidden. The sticky, gooey hands aren't photographed. Dinner ends up being pizza. We all have our ways of making our bloglands seem fairytale-ish. Too many of us are not as brave as you to share the sloppy right along with the finished product. (Which BTW, the finished product got finished by mom and dad anyway!)

Emily Asay said...

A thousand amens to that. Honestly, I get sick of the blogland pictures. Such a lousy representation of real life :)

desert mom said...

I totally agree with Erin.

I'm one of those who have unfinished projects in the closet. My goal is to finish them before I forget how. I just finished a necklace I started years ago. Now I want to make earrings to match. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to pull that project out just now.

You definitely need to write a book, and the name should be "The Tea Party Place". Your blogs help us laugh, reflect and motivates.
Much Love

Jen said...

Two words: Home Goods. Lots of lovely fall decorations and they are already made for you! I am sooo not a crafty mama. And, thankfully, I've pretty much learned the hard way not to even attempt it! LOL!!

You won't see house decoration pictures on my blog! Although I couldn't resist posting God's "decorations" that are on our street!!

Katie said...

I'm linking this on my blog. Amen sister.

Shana said...

I agree with you with! We went to the pumpkin patch and got a couple of mums and pumkins, I hung a wreath, and gathered things for the kiddos costumes. (which they were not homemade ones)
All these things together don't add up to much in "blogland," but my kids are both happy and I'm happy because I'm not stressed out it all. AWWW! Simplicity-it works for me!

Chrissy said...

I am the least crafty person. I've always said that I was born into the wrong religion. I am no crafty, domestic diva. I buy. That is it. Which makes my husband so happy ;) I don't browse blogs and craft magazine-martha stewart-hub bub places because I get over-whelmed. The idea is nice, but I don't have the energy or time that it would take me to accomplish a craft from start to finish, but I am ok with it now. Sounds like you are too! Notice all my blogs that aren't events and posts about my kids are about fashion pieces....most that I can't afford and never get, but dream of! No crafts or baking bread from scratch or canning here! I am extra special. Ask Katie. Haha

Anonymous said...

You my friend are a HOOT!! I love to read all you write about and usually I finish up with a yup, I feel that way or I totally know what she is saying (or coming from:)
Blogland is a fairytale place and my life...lets just say things don't add up in my head either:)

Kyle said...

this is the funniest thing I have ever read. seriously.
your first mistake was paper mache...never, never, use paper mache :) I made that mistake once too. :)

Ella said...

How nice to hear the truth from someone!!! For whatever reason, a Martha Stewart magazine started arriving here. I am as far from Martha as you can get so I take pleasure, yes - wicked pleasure, in slamming that magazine into the recycling bin every time it shows up!

Jennifer said...

Ahhh Laurel, the appeal of your blog is that you are so honest. You don't leave out the mistakes and the messes. But let's not forget that some of the rest of us look at what you do and feel overwhelmed...themed birthday parties, canning, dehydrating, painting, and all you do for your church and neighborhood.

We all do what we can to get by, don't we? And while I'm tempted to be hard on those blogs that just show the "perfect" side of things, is that any different than when I toss all my junk upstairs and light a candle when a friend is coming over so that my house looks and smells like I just cleaned it? Yes, we all do what we can to get by...let's just be glad that God also gives us PERSPECTIVE. Love you!

Audrey said...

Hey, life gets messy over here and well, that is just the way it is! And I think I would enjoy the messy pictures...ha ha!

Joan said...

You speak the truth! Thank you :)
Life really is mostly messy...and that's the way it should be.
Ps: I found your blog from my friend Katie C. who I was roommates with in college :) just fyi.

Julia said...

You make me laugh out loud! I feel the same way, sister!