Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby Wings

I have said a million times that I just want to enjoy this baby.  I just want to soak in every minute, especially since in all likelihood he will be my last.  So why is it that he is in such a rush?  Didn't someone tell him we're relishing this babyhood? 

I guess not.

Because yesterday he stood up.  It made me audibly gasp.  I've come to terms with him crawling like a maniac already, but when I saw him reach up, grab hold of his walker, hoist himself up, and stand on those chubby legs, I was shocked.  Doesn't he know he's only 7 1/2 months?  Trying not to distract him, I called to Mr. Wicke.  And you know what we did?

We clapped and oohed and aahed.  Yes, we did.

Because no matter how badly I want to slow things down, I'm always happy to watch my kids fly.


Aubrey said...

I hate when they start growing faster than we told them they were allowed to. Mine's already two pounds heavier and filling in his newborn sleepers a little too well. But it is fun to watch them figure stuff out.

Susan said...

I'm such a ditz, I forgot to change your address on my blog so I have been thinking that you haven't had a new posting for over a month. When I finally got to the address I was excited to see that I had a lot of reading to do. There are a number of your recent postings that I can relate to especially, transitions and the serious illness of a friend. Ken and I are retiring in June and though we are excited to begin this new stage of our life, there is also some sadness and fear involved. Mainly, I thinking how did we get so darn old??? Anyway, I'm going to get your address changed so I can keep up with your life. :)

Becky Christiansen said...

OH BOY! Watch out!!! Dane was walking/running at 8.5 months. It was HORRIBLE. His nickname was "All Terrain Dane." It sounds like your little guy might be on the same track!!! Sit on him...stop him...clip his wings!!!!!

Stacey said...

That is a great milestone!! Yay for Mr. Lincoln...but a bittersweet moment for you....He cannot help but fly with a great momma like you! Enjoy the ride.

Ashlee said...

Inspiring. Once again. I hope I am as cool as you when I grow up.