Friday, July 11, 2008

There are Some Things You Wish You'd Never Seen

Over the July 4th weekend I saw something that has been haunting me ever since. Literally. Haunting me: I dream about it, I keeping thinking about it. It was so horrifying it has actually changed my behavior, and that is no small task.

What in the world was it, you may be asking. Well, folks, it was a little BBC program called "Britain's Worst Teeth." I know. You probably think I'm overreacting, but even typing the title makes my stomach turn. I'm not kidding.

I really don't think you can imagine just how revolting this program was. I didn't. See, it all started out like this kind of funny little thing. Our friends happened to mention, "The other night we taped this show called Britain's Worst Teeth. You have got to see it!"

"They did an entire show about Britain's teeth? What's going on over there? Hahahaha..."

I mean, I've heard some jokes about the Brits, and I thought we were going to be looking at some jacked up mouths that needed braces or something, but I had no idea. I couldn't fathom the true offensiveness of this program. I didn't understand that I would be able to actually view only half of the show because during the other half I would have to close my eyes. Tightly. I also didn't know how badly I would want to rid my brain of the images I did see. Like this one:

Sorry. But I had to make you understand. Now, times that by 60 minutes and three other mouths.

Don't think I haven't been brushing and flossing like a maniac. My teeth have never been cleaner.

But here's the best part, our kids saw it, too. It's the best cavity prevention program out there. If it weren't for the emotional skid mark it left on my psyche, I'd suggest you watch it today. As it is, I'll just warn you. View at your own peril.


Kyle said...

I almost threw up...that is disgusting! Now, I need to go brush my teeth!

Madame Queen said...

Why, oh why did you post that photo?! That is the worst thing I've ever seen!! Aaaahhhhh! There is no way I could have watched the entire program.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I let my kids see that and lets just say that it left them speechless which is not easily done. Wait, I hear the water running, they are brushing their teeth - it is a miracle!!!
I am with you - psyche trauma!!!

mother of seven said...

1st of all I think I threw up in my mouth.
2nd thank you for only showing one pic...
and 3rd who would ever tell you to watch that!!!!

Rochelleht said...

That is hilarious! I'm dying over that picture. I always think Britain's teeth are so bizarre. I remember being there and seeing the tabloids with soap starts whose mouths were totally offensive and ugly. Not in America, that's for sure.

I must confess that every time I see a new post from you and scan in anticipation of baby news. :-)

Jen T. said...

My husband and I watch "Ten Years Younger" on TLC all the time and comment on the teeth, but they've never shown anything THAT bad. Ugh!

What has always puzzled me...I get that some people just have bad teeth from illness, or heredity, or that not everyone can afford braces, but I would think that the vast majority of nasty teeth could be prevented with a brush and some paste (jeez, half the time I don't floss and I still have nice teeth, lol).

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

OK. That is absolutely disgusting.
Wow. Thanks for the visual.

1blueshi1 said...

I watched "The Messiest House in America"--TWO WHOLE HOURS--early Sunday morning. In fact, I had to clean my own bathroom during the commercials.
It didn't make me want to floss, though, but that picture definitely did!

Pam said...

Gross! I will have to forward my therapy bills to you because I'll have to start attending now. The last time I went to the dentist they actually told me I was brushing my teeth too much (if you can do that?). I am a little OCD in the dental hygiene department and you have just fed the disease. Maybe you can schedule in a dental awareness Enrichment Night so you can horrify the women and scare the children (hee hee). Hope you're feeling well. ~Pam

Amanda said...

"emotional skid mark it left on my psyche"

LOL! You are too funny!

I've seen teeth like that up close and personal. I used to work as a dental assistant. I remember people would tell the dentist they just "didn't have time" to brush their teeth. Are you kidding me?

Angie said...

I am so sorry that we left you with emotional scars. I will better screen our shows in the future. We will stick to the standard fair- 800 lbs tumor, primordial (sp?) dwarfs, the quints, etc.

Elisa said...

Shiver me timbers! That made my stomach turn. I actually had someone in my house today who had NO teeth. My kids kept staring, and the youngest kept asking me (Really loudly) where's his teeth mama? where's his teeth?

How ya feeling?