Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Picking at My Picatta

Because of the impeccable timing, I must post what happened after serving the Chicken Picatta I raved about yesterday.

Last night, upon finishing her chicken and leaving most of the pasta alone, Logan said, "It's a little sour for me." And then, putting a consoling hand on my shoulder, she soothed, "Maybe you can try again next time, Mom."


Well--just for the record: What does a five year old know, anyway?


Madame Queen said...

Hahahaha! Bubba has SOMETHING to say about every single dinner I make. The other day I said, "Okay, fine. You don't like what I make, YOU can start cooking dinner every night." That hushed him up real fast!

Amber said...

I love the honesty in our children. Well, isn't chicken piccata supposed to have some zest??? That is the way I like anyhow. I would have liked it!