Friday, September 7, 2007

She's on a Roll

The one-liners from my 5 year old daughter just keep coming! Two days ago soon after my daughter left for school my friend called and said, "I had to call and tell you what Logan said this morning. She's so funny!"

That kind of beginning always worries me.

This is how it went according to Kimball (husband of said friend who carpools the kids to school):

Emily (friend's daughter) asked, 'Daddy, is it better to be pretty or nice?'"

He responded, "Well, what do you think?"

"I think it's better to be smart."

All of a sudden Logan pipes up, "No! It's better to be pretty. My mom's smart, and sometimes she's mean."

I'm not sure which part is more offensive to me: That she doesn't think I'm pretty or that she thinks I'm mean. It's a quandary.


Madame Queen said...

Well, at least she thinks you're smart! ;)

That is hilarious. Bubba once asked me why my belly was so big!

Amber said...

This is one of those laugh out loud entires. Thanks! Thanks for making me feel normal, well, maybe. I am not sure my kids would call me either... She is so funny and I love her mind.

Rochelleht said...

That had me laughing out loud. SOOO funny!!!!!

Melissa said...

Here's to a smart and 'Pretty' mom!

Kate said...

What a clever little girl! I love it!