Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Blame Game

I am sooooo tired. I can't be creative enough to write anything interesting. Sorry. I also can't clean my bathroom, and I promised myself I would. I'm blaming it all on:

1) Anne Tyler whose book The Amateur Marriage would not let me go until I finished it.
2) The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. Why would a grown woman watch their tryouts instead of going to bed at a decent hour? Why?
3) Top Chef. Can't they just tell me who wins already?
4) Mr. Wicke. Because he didn't make me go to bed and only laughed at me for too many nights in a row.
5) My very comfortable, TV-watching chaise.
6) The stairs. Because they were too tall to climb when I was that tired.
7) My kids. If they weren't so loud and needy during the day, the quiet peacefulness of the night wouldn't be so enticing.
8) My dog...because...well haven't you heard of "kicking the dog?"
9) Okay, Fine!!! Me, alright? Because I'm clearly too stupid to put myself to bed at a decent hour.

I was much happier being able to blame someone else.


Laurel said...

Hi there's me Laurel. So I love your blog...very witty. I've not meet many other Laurels so it's nice to meet you.

I love the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. I am seriously addicted and after every episode I ask myself why I even watch. I guess because my stairs are just as tall as yours.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice to have some good excuses or things to "blame" when we hit the "wall." If you don't mind, I might borrow some of your excuses for myself.

Megan B said...

I sooooo am with you on the needing peace part of staying up late. I love to just veg out in front of the TV and especially now that all my favorite shows are coming back...The Office, Scrubs, Greys, Betty...I CAN NOT WAIT!!!! Do they have to do them all on the SAME NIGHT??? Give a girl a break. Anyway, here's to peace in the evening and a little grumpiness in the's all worth it in the end!

Madame Queen said...

The peace and quiet part is why I stay up late, too. I just can't bear to give up the day b/c that means I have to start all over again when I wake up! It's exhausting!

1blueshi1 said...

funny post--if you guys like watching the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders stuff on TV, you might enjoy one of my favorite books, Deep In The Heart Of Texas, which was written by 3 sisters who were all Cowboys Cheerleaders. I love that book!
I would start watching the show, but I can't even keep up with Weeds and The Closer and now that CSI: Miami has started back, I'm pretty much with Mir and her "well better lose the Hubs, can't have time for everything!"

Rochelleht said...

I myself when to bed way too late a couple of times this week. I'm actually normally really good at going to be at a reasonable hour, but I had some bad moments this week. I live for 8:00 every night. Well, more like 6:00, cause if I want, dh let's me check out then. Ah, bliss!

Esme said...

I totally sympathise! I was up late last night, too... First the TV sucked me in, then I stupidly decided, at just after midnight, that I'd just "read a little bit" to "get myself a little more tired" and next thing I knew it was 3 a.m. And I was wide awake. (Now, no longer quite so awake. Darn it all!)