Friday, August 13, 2010

Jen, Jen, Jen...

I just want to say that I had this idea before Bill O'Reilly.  I did.  When I was reading "The People" (which I like to call it because I think it's sorta' funny) and I read Jennifer Aniston's comments about how lucky we are that we don't have to wait to find a man to settle down with before we had kids, well...something screeched in my brain.  I don't know about all this "destructive to society" stuff.  I'll leave that to the social commentators.  I'm just a mom.  And all I know, as a mom, is that she doesn't really know what the hell she's talking about.

Before promoting the glories of single momhood, she might want to talk to some real moms.  I bet they have a lot to say about the subject.

Here's one example, a letter I wrote to Mr. Wicke this last Valentine's Day:

Dear Valentine,

Do you know what was really romantic? When this harried mom was at the health clinic with our two very sick kiddos, one in tears after waiting for two hours, a baby melting down with a goose egg to boot, and when I really had reached my limit and was grasping the fraying last end of my rope, I called you, and you came. You came quickly. And you took the children, with a smile even. And after I had finally gotten the prescriptions filled and come home, you were feeding them soup, and the baby was asleep, and you weren't even perturbed that Griffin had thrown up in the car all over himself.

THAT was really romantic.

You know why? Because it made me think again that I can't imagine raising these little ones with anyone but you.


Your Mrs.

In a million years, I would never want to do this alone.  I thank God every day that I have a partner in this deep and heavy work.  24/7, 365.  A sperm donor just doesn't keep those hours.


Stacey said...

Amen sista'! 100% in agreement!

Shana said...

I think it to be funny all these Holywood people talking about motherhood as if they REALLY know what it is like.
You are so right- if they REALLY knew what it was like to do the 24-7 day to day grind, they wouldn't talk about motherhood as if they didn't need a husband or father figure in the picture to help them. I would never want to do it completely on my own either.

Laurel said...

i don't have the partner OR the kids. but won't have the kids w/o the partner.

and I love this.

the end.

Rochelleht said...

Neither does a nanny. Jen'd find out soon enough.

I was so Team Aniston, but now I'm not any of them. She's as bad as the chick who stole her hubby. That whole world in Hollywood is just one big cesspool. Who needs their opinion, anyway!?

Madame Queen said...

Amen, sister! There's also a lot to be said for a constant male presence in children's lives. I believe they need it.

Audrey said...

Hallelujah! Seriously? If there were no testosterone in my life to balance things out in the end for me....I would just go crazy. AND having a little experience in the field of not having Dad around so much as a kid, can contest to the GREAT value and absolute necessity a father is to their children. What a shame to think otherwise!