Monday, February 9, 2009

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

I am a bad blogger of late. But I am also a bad housekeeper, a mediocre mother, a bad phonecall returner, and a bad email checker. Forgive me. Truth is, I would like to hibernate for the next three weeks. Actually, the truth is, I kind of am.

The nesting thing isn't happening for me. Oh, how I wish it were. No, what is happening to me is that I want to sleep all the time, and if I am not sleeping then I want to be eating Cold Stone's Rocky Road ice cream because its chewy marshmellows and crunchy toasted almonds mixed with creamy chocolate ice cream makes me oh, so very happy. If I could forget about the health and weight ramifications, I would make it my steady diet. Seriously.

The other thing that is happening to me is that I am in the midst of a very nasty head cold. It is completely unfair for a uber-pregnant woman to be sick in the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy, and as such I am feeling very sorry for myself. Mostly because when I cough or sneeze, which I am doing with regular frequency, I nearly or sometimes partially wet my pants. Between that and the drooling that I have taken to doing at night, I'm not sure how Mr. Wicke keeps his hands off me.

And so, if I am not a regular poster for the next couple of weeks, you'll know why. It's hard to type while you're sleeping.


Mark & Shayla said...

I'd say hibernating is pretty close to nesting. Give yourself permission to be just a little less than perfect for the next few weeks--we won't think less of you for it. Besides between your sickness and anticipation the next three weeks will be the shortest and longest of your life! I'm so excited for you!!

Jennifer said...

I completely get you...and I'm sure everyone figured that's why there hasn't been as much activity on your blog as usual. Take some time out to just slack and take care of yourself. You know this is your chance to do it!I would give anything to see you this pregnant. I know you probably don't feel cute right now, but I'll bet you're adorable. How about just at least a belly shot? You could cut out the head or do a side profile if you don't want to show your face...please?

Stephanie said...

you need to post a baby belly pic! you're so close!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jen...we need to see the belly! Sleep and rest is good right now. You are storing up...remember what it is like to have a little one around??? You're off the hook with the blog, but only if you post a picture.

Erin said...

I think the hibernating comes first and then you don't nest until right before the baby is born. Ben was here for a couple days and he made some comment about hearing Bill snoring at night. Oh, that is me! I have the drooling going on too. Rest up. And I wish I was close to have some Rocky Road Coldstone with you!

Aubrey said...

I have to wear pantiliners the last month or two of being pregnant or it's not pretty. At least your cold should be gone before going to the hospital--unless the baby is two weeks early--my last baby, I was sick while in the hospital and let me tell you, coughing + sore bottom from delivery = no fun. I'm sure the nurses LOVED me.

Pam said...

I am totally laughing about your drooling and "leaking." Tell Thomas it is just a precurser to what you'll be like when you're old and gray (just teasing). At least this is temporary :) A baby in the tummy crowding all the organs is just a challenge in general. And I swear my kids used to jump up and down on my bladder on purpose.

And if you're gonna be stuck with a cold and leaky bladder you may as well make the best of it and have ice cream everyday the rest of your pregnancy. Why not?

Madame Queen said...

I just looked at your little widget and saw that you only have 21 days to go!! Holy cats, woman! Time is flying.

You might not get the nesting thing. Or it might hit you the day before you leave for the hospital when you realize that you can't POSSIBLY bring a baby home to a house with dusty curtains and you'll climb on the back of the sofa to take them down. Not that I know anything about that or anything. Ahem.

And I was sick right before Punkin was born, so I know how miserable you are! I hope you feel better soon!!!