Thursday, July 24, 2008

So...This is What They Call Morning Sickness

I know I have a "to be continued" story just hanging out on the line, but I have been feeling super pukey these last few days. And it's not just my blogging that's been ignored. Let's see, add to that list cooking, housekeeping, children's hygiene, my own's ugly around here, folks.

Oh, and here's the good news, we're getting ready to head out on a camping trip because we promised our kids months ago that we would go camping this summer. By the way, when I say we are getting ready, of course I mostly mean it's Thomas (a.k.a. my hero) getting us ready because I keep having to sit down or lie down. I did do the laundry, so I will take some credit, but mostly it's him packing us up 'cause I feel pukey. Did I mention that? And did I mention that we're going camping and that I feel pukey.

Pray for me.


Aubrey said...

Oh, I would SO stay home. The pregnancy-induced pukiness is the WORST I ever remember feeling.

All I learned from my experience is to eat what you crave it WHEN you crave it--don't wait until it't too late or it's really too late--and then don't eat too much of it, or you'll wish you wouldn't have eaten any of it.

Oh, and NO substitutes. My body would NOT accept potato chips for french fries until I started coming out of it--and that's when I realized the horrors were finally ending. Like potato chips were so much better for me than french fries.

And so begins all the unwanted and unsolicited advice.

Madame Queen said...

Oh, honey, I will pray for you. I remember those days so well. And not fondly either. Like Aubrey said, don't let yourself get hungry. Go with your cravings. I once sent Mr. Daddy to the store and then called him and said "I need Slim Jims" and he was like "That's so weird, I have Slim Jims in the cart!"

Oh, and take some plastic grocery bags in the car. Just in case.

Hang in there! This too shall pass...

Mark & Shayla said...

My dear friend--I can completely understand how you feel. I have been experiencing the same pukeyness--which is worse than it was with my last baby. I've tried everything, but still I'm sick all day, which begs the question "Who named it morning sickness anyway?" The good news is yesterday I discovered a miracle. I got a B6(the vitamin) shot. It really hurts, but it is so, so worth the pain-- I haven't thrown up since I got it. Maybe you should look into that. It would make it so much easier to be a hero mom on your camping trip.

Laurel said...

I know that pukey hasn't been all that long ago when my DH would leave for work with me sitting on the couch watching tv and then he'd come home and I'd be in the same spot still in my only excuse was that I was prego and I felt like my body had been taken over by an alien. Be easy on yourself.

Debbie said...

camping and pukey do not mix well!! You are brave for going!
good luck!

Debbie said...

Oh I took ginger pills! You get them at the health food store..
I was only pregnant for 6 weeks but it sure did help the sickness! You should try them!

Betsy said...

When my sister-in-law was pregnant, she came into the house, bolted for the bathroom, came back out and said, "Those bastards who called it 'morning sickness' are just trying to trick you. It's morning, afternoon and night sickness."

Shana said...

You gotta get you some coffee grounds girl! If you are gonna survive a camping trip at this point of pregnancy---it is a must pack for you! Good Luck!

Deanna said...

Yeah'morning' sickness my foot... it's more like all day sickness... and when you hve the urge to eat you have to do it right then or else the moment passes and then you're REALLY sick. But good luck finding something that sounds good and is accessable in 'the window of opportunity'

Hamilton Family said...

This is the time when someone tells you "In 9 months it will all be worth it"---you knock their lights out!!!

Sorry, don't know how to help you with the puking, I've never experienced it with any of my 7 pregnancies. BUT, my hormones went so far out of control that the Doc had to put me on anti-anxiety meds or put me in an insane asylum for the first 4 months. I think I would have rather puked!

Relax, carry around a warm Sprite and a bag of soda crackers, and be near a bed or couch!

You have been and still are in our prayers! We love ya, little Momma!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

The only thing that worked for me was ice cold water to sip on then it was cream soda. But the B6 shots are really a life saver too.

I like the idea of grocery sacks in the car, now why didn't I think of that. I remember the first pergnancy and my husband would drop me off to work. We had to stop at least 10 times so I could throw-up on the side of the freeway. We were so late to work and he was really patient with me.

Just be good to yourself!!!

Credit 360 said...

Sorry to hear about your pukey days. I just started a blog about M/S. Check it out. Hope you find some answers.

Ellie Lewis

Elisa said...

Oh my. Camping and puking?? That is like walking the 7th ring of hell! Good luck. You are a good woman to go camping!

Having just been down puke road-- Ginger ale. By the boat loads.

Shaka said...

good luck! i'm am so glad those days are behind me!

desert mom said...

You know the saying, "I never said it would be easy, I only said that it would be worth it." This is one of those times.

If we would have stayed home while I was pregnant we would not have seen the many wonderful sights we saw. Our vacations, two weeks camping each year, gave us the opportunity to discover God's beautiful world. Hang in there Sweetheart, this too will pass. We love you.

Pam said...

You're a stronger woman than me. I hated the morning sickness. The best advice I got (and figures that my nutritionist friend told me on my third and final pregnancy) was to make sure to eat a protein with your carb when you feel sick and it will help you feel less sick. I ate club crackers and a string cheese (even at church) and that did the trick for me. Cheerios and french fries helped me through the first pregnancy... for breakfast, dinner, whatever. I'll think happy thoughts for you on your camping trip. Luckily your hubby is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling yuck! Go to the drugstore and by SEABANDS. They go on your wrist and really help. I no longer have kids who get car sick. Works on morning (all day) sickness too. Try it it might help!!
Glad to find your blog, you are hilarious. Love your everyday antics! Good luck with camping.

Sarah said...

Call me if you need heavy meds! I have two different kinds and my nausea has gotten sooo much better! Hope the camping went well!!

Elisha said...

Hey Laurel! I just love reading your posts, you are so hilarious! Hope you don't mind! Congrats on the pregnancy!!! I would do anything to cure morning sickness (why they call it that I have NO idea...because it lasts ALL DAY LONG!) Good luck!

Amber said...

I've been wondering how your hanging in there?? I hope that while you aren't blogging at least your keeping your head above water. I will continue with the prayers my friend.

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I've missed your cute blogs. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Brett and Desiree said...

Brett says, "Try pork chops for breakfast. Don't think it'll help, but I just want to know what it looks like when they come up."

Melissa said...

So sorry you feel sick! That stinks.