Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lotsa, Lotsa Words




Are you tired of words yet?  I wish I could be like other blogs who post such lovely pictures.  Lots of lovely pictures that do most of the talking. 

But I don't take that many pictures.
And the ones I take aren't that lovely.
And I have all these my brain...and in my heart.
And this blog has been very good for me
because it makes me put those words and thoughts in order and make sense of them.
And it gives me something to think about when most of my daily duties are pretty mindless.

So thanks for listening.


Cam E. O. said...

don't worry. I personally like it. (ps, I'm Nola's granddaughter.) ;0)

tawnya said...

Ha! I go through this every few months. I realize I have zero photos and tons of essays. But, then, I'm a writer. It's what I do!

Susan said...

If I could write like you I wouldn't need all the pictures, but I can't so my blog is always full of pictures.

Halladay said...

All your "words" are why I love visiting your blog. I'm always amazed,(even a little envious)at how perfect you write and how you so effortlessly put your thoughts and feelings into words. Being women and mothers we all seem to be on the same page with what we feel and think,(but my thoughts never sound that perfect or fancy in my head.):) You definitely have a gift! And speaking of your pictures, (which by the way are great), if you did as good a job with your pictures as you do with your writing you'd blow all of the rest of our blogs out of the water!! :)

Audrey said...

Words are good. You are good at words. I have missed words, yet I cannot seem to get back to expressing them in the crazy traveling-for-the-holidays state.

I don't want to read the rest of Ms. Gilbert's interview, nor do I want to read her book. What she has failed to realize, sadly, is that God has allowed us to have so many wonderful experiences in this life. We get to be young, we get to grow and change, and take on new adventures as they come in this life.

I,like you, miss performing. Yet, one more crowd of strangers clapping for me and cheering me on in my love for dance, would be just that. One more performance. Been there. Done that.

I want all that God has to offer in this life-the challenge of motherhood has been huge, but the rewards have been far greater. To see beyond myself, and to experience the hand of God with each little giggle, finger grasp, first steps, and every stage that has come since...priceless. I am the lucky one. I get to be a part of that.

Poor Ms. Gilbert does not. Now that, is a shame.

Love you dear friend!