Monday, September 21, 2009

An Answered Prayer

I'm going to say something that in all likelihood would make a good percentage of our nation roll their eyes; but for me it is truth. It is simply this: I know prayers are answered. I do.

Not all of my prayers are answered. At least not right away. And sometimes the answer is no. Sometimes I'm required to figure things out on my own, and sometimes I'm required to be patient. But sometimes, like a few nights ago, I am surprised with the rapidity of an answer.

Griffin has been a little pill lately. My boy, who has always been malleable and sweet, has suddenly developed a mind of his own. Just ask his teacher. 10 yellow cards in the first 5 weeks of school may be a record, but she isn't dealing with anything we aren't experiencing at home. When one asks Mr. Griff why he didn't listen, he often replies, "I had other things I wanted to do." Honest, yes, but also infuriating, especially day after day after day after's enough to make a momma crazy! Obviously, whatever I've tried isn't working. And so, as in all things that seem beyond the reach of my own measly knowledge, I made it a matter of prayer.

As I began to pray, my thoughts centered most on what God could do for Griffin. Could He soften his heart? Could He help him listen and obey? And then for good measure I asked if he could help me know how to reach him, and just like that a thought sprung, full-grown, into my brain. It was two simple sentences: "You are too focused on the punishment. You need to focus on the reward." It actually caught me be surprise. It did! It was an absolute about face from where my mind had begun.

My prayer came to a sudden, screeching halt. "What?!" I asked myself. "Am I really doing that?" And as I considered the problem and my responses to it, I had to concur. My frustration had gotten in the way of the obvious answer. The way I had set it up was: obedience = avoidance of punishment, and what God suggested was obedience = reward. When I thought about it more, it made perfect sense for this child. I knew it was exactly the answer I was looking for.

Some people refer to it as "mother's intuition," but the one thing that mothering has taught me for sure is that insights come from Heaven all the time. These children belong to Him. He cares about what happens to them. I will be accountable to Him for the job I do. The good news? He will help me every step of the way.

He answers my prayers.

I'd like to know: When have you known God has answered your prayer?


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Such a beautiful post. thanks for sharing. Heavenly Father answeres my prayers daily. I have such a strong testimony of prayer.

Anonymous said...

I love to read about you and your family. As I read the title I nodded and said , "I've been there".
Just this summer I realized the unbelievable power of prayer. I learned a lesson too, the answer is so hard to take when it's not what you wanted. All the same you know your answer when it comes. And we are blessed for listening!
Great post...Thanks for sharing, it brought back my own tender memories of answered prayers.

mother of seven said...

Laurel... so true. I have come to that truth MANY times in my parenting. You would think I would remember. But my little brain needs to be rattled every now and again!!!

Thanks for your post!

Shana said...

That post did my heart a lot of good. As you know, I have a little "Griffin" like personality at home as well. She has a very hard time slowing down long enough to listen and obey.
Alyssa is such a sweet and bright little girl, but also my patience tester. Most days, I feel like I am just not doing a good enough job with her since I never seem to get through to her.
Prayer is something I really couldn't live without. Sometimes I will just pray for patience, or strength not to loose my temper with her. To know how to react to her in the best way for her to learn. That is almost an everyday thing these days.

Laurel said...

This very same thing happend to me. Liam was being so crazy naughty and I was in over my head. I just couldn't think of a consequence that would make him listen and obey. Finally I prayed about it and realized I was doing the same trying to help him understand his "naughtyness" I was focusing so much on keeping him in time-out until he understood his bad behavior and not on all the things he is doing right...I am so glad I have a loving Father to help me (and my hubby) raise our kids.

Ella said...

God answered my prayers yesterday by opening a job opportunity for me. Funny thing is, I don't want it. I think He knew that, but I didn't know it, so he opening the door so I could realize I love being at home.