...and this is how I know:
She used air quotes yesterday. And she used them correctly. I was helping with her homework which she was rushing through. "Hey. Can you use your best handwriting? C'mon, babe, that's just sloppy."
She sighed impatiently and began to erase. "Now I have to do it again because some-body wants it (airquotes here) 'per-fect'."
"Where did you learn that?" I inquired, but...ahem...I think I know. Sometimes it's like I'm looking in the mirror...
I was fascinated the other day listening to her and a friend in the backseat. "Oooh, you like him don't you?"
"Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell ANYBODY." And then they began to whisper, and giggle, a lot. It made me smile. I remember so well a thousand conversations just like that with my own childhood friends. Just like looking in a mirror...
...until it's not. Like when she asked me if she could start wearing a bra. A bra?! Why are we already talking about bras? Unlike her I was in no hurry to grow up. She, on the other hand, can not wait. "No! Those are not for kids," I replied.
"No. I don't mean a real bra. I mean, like, a kid's bra." Which left me wondering what does she know about kid's bras anyway?
...but then again, where does she get any of this stuff. Like the idea that she is going to get a car when she turns sixteen?
"I can't wait to turn sixteen 'cause that's when I can drive and I'll get a car," she mentioned on the drive to her soccor game.
Interested, I played along. "Oh, really? And just what kind of car are you going to get?"
"Oh...probably one like Nancy Drew's. You know, where the top comes down?"
"A convertible?"
"Yeah. One of those probably."
"Uh, honey. I hate to tell you this, but you're not getting a car when you turn sixteen."
"What????" The shock of it raised her voice at least one octave.
"Yeah. We're not buying you a car."
"But, but--That's when I can drive."
"Right. You can drive my car once in a while."
"Your car??" Her voice was heavy with disgust. "I don't want to drive your car..."
Most of the time I can't believe we are already having these conversations. Will I always feel like that? Will I ever be ready for her to wear a bra? Will it surprise me when she is ready to date or ready to leave for college? Will I ever be ready for her to get married or have babies of her own? I doubt it, because I'm understanding what my mother used to say: It's like I just turned around and she is grown.
Maybe I'll feel better if I use airquotes around that..."grown"...yeah, that's better. "Grown" is a lot easier to swallow than grown, because we aren't done just yet, whether she would agree or not.
I was just watching my kids sleep last night and thanking God that my 1st grader still hugs his teddy bear tight when he sleeps. How much longer do you think I'll have of that? Why is growing up so bittersweet?
I have enjoyed my kids in each new phase, but I would have to say that it's always the current stage that I love the most.
My oldest is asking for a bra, and talking about driving a car, and boys, and at least I feel lucky that she's talking about it with me. I rather her tell me what's on her mind then hear about it from someone else.
How old is she again? 8? I want to know how many years I have left before bra requests. However, I'm pretty sure I'm safe--my girl doesn't seem to be in any hurry to stop pretending she's an animal and grow up. And if she requests a car we'll tell her she can use the one her dad's driving now--if it makes it until then.
Oh boy, this is what I am in store for. Phoebe is my Logan. I had the next-door neighbor babysit for an hour while I was at the gym the other day. When I got home she said, "Are you sure she is only three? She talks like a seven-year-old!"
Just wait until your boys "grow up"! At the end of last year I got a call from Riley's 1st grade teacher. (you have a 50% chance it deals with discipline) Well, turns out Riley gave a cute little girl a "love tap" on the butt and she told on him! Wouldn't be so bad except her father AND her mother are teachers at the same school we attend! His teacher and I turned our backs so Riley couldn't see and had a good little laugh together! Riley now keeps his hands to himself and just smiles at the girls he has "crushes" on! I'm not sure who is easier as they get older, the boys or the girls! Both make life lively and I'm not sure sometimes if I am supposed to laugh or cry!
I am having these same freak outs about Maya growing up! Let's hope it is just the first of a new school year and then things will die down and they will go back to being our babies, right???? :)
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