Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In the Weeds. Deep, Deep in the Weeds and Looking for Normalcy.

Things are not normal around here. First, I am nursing all the time. And when I am not performing my duties as the milk machine, I am running kids to school, attacking mounds of laundry, choosing at least one room in the house to clean, or making dinner, much of which I only partially accomplish. I have yet to figure out how to get my life together after adding baby #3 to the brood.

Other things that have caused me to veer way off track:
1. Both Logan and Griffin were sick over the last two weeks. Of course they tag-teamed it. Now it looks as though it's my turn. Fingers crossed that baby Lincoln doesn't catch it next.

2. I've lost/misplaced my address book again. I am/was sure it would turn up, but it has kept me from calling some friends that are probably wondering why I "have forgotten them." Be assured. You are not forgotten...just momentarily missing.

3. Roxy, our love-starved poodle, had some sort of seizure due to unknown causes. I, however, am leaning toward the double-chocolate, Giridelli brownie that she snuck from Griffin minutes before. It was super scary and even had me in tears in the garage when I asked Mr. Wicke if he thought she was dying. After a trip to the vet where, for $45, we were told that poodles "sometimes have seizures as they age" and turning down the $350 blood test to "rule anything else out," I have had the great pleasure of cleaning up at least five vomit spots. While scrubbing carpets and washing bedspreads, I have to remind myself that I, in fact, do not want the dog to die. I really, really don't. It just seems like it sometimes.

4. I had to find a place to house the goat we found tied up in our backyard for April Fool's Day. Rest assured that that particular holiday is alive and well in our corner of the world, thanks mostly to Mr. Wicke's devious efforts. Sadly, paybacks are often answered on both of our heads. And yes, you heard me right. I said goat.

5. During the last two weeks I have missed two meetings where I was expected and showed up for one that was never scheduled. If anyone finds a random brain just lying around, it very well could be mine.

That said, however, I expect to find some equilibrium shortly. It always takes me at least six months to adjust after a new baby. It's not so much a matter of getting back to things as it is making this new and crazier life normal. Whatever that means.


Hamilton Family said...

IF you find your brain, mine is probably close by! So, would you please send mine back to me when you find them. On second thought..........maybe I'm doing just fine without it. However, if you find a younger and fresher looking brain and no one claims it, I'll take it! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Shana said...

Ah yes...deep in the weeds is a great term for what mothers feel like just after having a new baby.
Good one!
Don't worry, it will get better. At least that is what I told myself every night before I went to bed so I'd feel better. :)

Anonymous said...

It all happens with baby number 3!! Didn't want to scare you but it is the one that pushes your sanity!! It doesn't take too long to adjust..just longer than you thought. Hang in there:)

Erin said...

Now I am scared for this growth to come out of me. Two kids totally flipped my world, and now we are taking on three! Remind me that the little baby is so wonderful that you forget all the other short comings. Maybe a picture of how adorable little Lincoln is would help me to get through these last days: )

ps because you need one more person to accommodate, ha ha!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I have heard... ( I don't know for a fact, since I only have 2) that baby #3 always sends a mother over the edge. But #4 is a breeze;)
Life is crazy, but this to shall pass. Your a great mom, and I'm sure there is lots of love & laughter going on...especially with a goat tied up in the backyard:):) Good Luck with that!!!

Lisa-Marie said...

Deep in the Woods. I think you could turn that into a musical/comedy about motherhood, make millions and then get yourself a nanny! (Or at least house cleaner!)

One day soon you will wake up and realize that you do have it all under control. Until then, be easy on yourself!

Stacey said...

Baby #3 was my hardest! It passes and is wonderful in a few months. With the addition of doggy problems and sick kids and GOATS in your yard, you have not had the normal adjustments!! Cute post!

Anonymous said...

Just enjoy it. Sometimes I think we put way too much value on "normal". You're fabulous and doing a great job!

mother of seven said...

As a mother of 7 I can truthfuly say... It will get better. Probably not as quick as you want but it will get better. Then as you adapt it will all get easy. I PROMISE!!!!

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

I wish I could say that I have found a new brain for you...however with work beginning my "busy season of the year" I think I will lose mine too.

I actually went to a meeting, so I thought this past couple of weeks and it had been canceled and I didn't even know it! That darn relief society, the one and only time that the gossip doesn't go around :o)

Rochelleht said...

Oh, that baby #3 kicks your can. Seriously.

I just visited my friend who just had her 3rd. Her other two are older, so it's been a long while since she has done babies. She said she can't get herself together and has basically not left the house in a month.

I feel for ya!!

Sher said...

Wow! At least you are making an effort. We're having spring break this week, and it's raining, and my kids have completely trashed the place, and I've boycotted housework.
And I am laughing my arse off about the goat. That is too funny.

Debbie said...

I have to agree with Laurie. What is normal? Our kids are constanly growing and changing into new phases of life and so normal has got to stretch and grow as well. As for your brain, good luck. The rest of us have been "winging" it for some time now. The best thing to do is to try and enjoy the ride as much as possible.

Audrey said...

Hello! Aah yes, breastfeeding. Well, if you had one child, you would technically supposed to be "nesting"....right! The one thing that is different this time around is the whole Milk Maid business and of course, the hormones! I was wondering when you would pop up on your blog again. Been missing you. And I saw the goat on Thomas' blog. Having known you for years, I always think of you on April 1st. GOD BLESS YOU!

Pam said...

I know it seems like a hard time in life, but believe it or not I miss those days. They pass way too quickly.

And by the way, I have a poodle that barfs after she sneaks contraband foods too. And sometimes in my darkest moments I think my life would be easier without her but usually I just love her to death :)

Megan B said...

There's the goat! I can NOT stop laughing. Wish I could have seen the faces. Who is my idol that pulled THAT off????