Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Here We Go Again

School here in Mesa started August 11th.  On August 13th I got a call from Griffin's teacher.  For those of you who are math challenged like me, I'll interpret:  GRIFFIN'S TEACHER HAD TO CALL ME ON THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL!  Oh, boy.  I'm that mother again? 

It appears so.  The last three weeks have been a bumpy ride, so strap in, because if I get the chance today I'm gonna' tell you all about it.


Rochelleht said...

OH! Bless your heart! We've had a bad day already too. And we've only been in a week and a half. I so empathize!!!

nanny said...

I was "the mother" of "that child" for the 12 years my son was in public school. I was on a first-name basis with all the principals. It started out when he got kicked out of pre-school and suspended in 2nd grade. I was mortified!

However, we made it and I finally found joy and love in my heart for this wonderful, talented son.

He ended up being valedictorian of his high school, graduated from college with a degree in a field that he loves, supports, cares for and loves a beautiful wife and two young sons--and calls us every Sunday night to see how we are doing and to tell us that he loves us. Miracles do happen.

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

I feel your pain. its Mason's goal ( Im convinced) to get a "yellow card" once a week. he CANT go a week with out one!!! But we sure do have cute boys, so that part is good right???
Hang in there :) Griffin is great, he will turn out great.