Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cracked but not Broken

Did you ever play Crack-the-Whip growing up?  It was a dangerous little game; one that, I'm sure, is not allowed on playgrounds today.  The game calls for a group of kids to join arms forming one long line.  The leader at the front initiates turns and twists eventually popping the kid at the end of the line off.  And that's about it.  I said it was dangerous.  I didn't say it was complicated.

I've been thinking a lot about that game lately because I feel like I'm playing it again.  Except this time, life is at the head of the line and I'm at the end getting whipped about in a mad frenzy.  As the world spins in a frantic blur, my only focus is hanging on.  That's how I'm feeling lately.

It has become so bad that the ringing phone puts me into an anxiety attack, because I'm sure I've forgotten something.  Maybe now is a good time to mention that yesterday I forgot a lunch date with, Lauren, a friend from home.  Which maybe wouldn't be so bad, except I forgot last week, too.  And the week before that I thought I forgot.  But I didn't because I was a week ahead.  You don't want to be my friend.

Or my children's teacher, either.  I showed up a week early to help plan Mrs. King's Halloween party, and then I didn't show at all the next Monday when the meeting actually took place.

I am tempted to mention all of the things I have accomplished and tended to so that I won't look like a complete mess, but the truth is, I feel like a complete mess.  Just like after a game of Crack-the-Whip I am dissheveled, out of breath, and even a little scraped and bruised.

I need a moment.

To think.
To breathe.
To get myself together.
To put my house and my mind in order.

So, today, I'm moving to the front of the line.  Today, I have cleared the schedule, and I'm going to take life by the collar and shake it for a change.  Then maybe, on Monday, I could meet you for lunch and actually show up.

p.s. A couple of you asked how I did the picture collage on my last post. Here's the answer:  I made the collage in photoshop, saved it and uploaded it as one picture.  I'm not great at photoshop, but I'm learning.


Ashlee said...

My question is how we end up playing the game when nobody asked us if we wanted to! I quit too! On photo collages - there is an easier way if you just want basic collages. Download picasa...you simply pick the photos you want and it makes the collage for you. Ultra easy.

Stacey said...

One day at a time and one appointment at a time along with 1 breath at a time!! I am sorry you are feeling out of whack! I hope it passes!

Annie Barker said...

Thanks for the collage info.

Oh and just in case it makes you feel any better... this morning I was late dropping Luke off at preschool, was almost late again to pick him up, fed my kids a bowl of leftover Halloween candy for lunch (that they found and proceeded to devour before I found out), took the huge mountain of laundry (which I was semi-working on folding)from the front room into my closet to hide before a friend dropped by this afternoon, and now here I sit on the computer!:S You're not the only forgetful mom lost in a crazy mess. Just so you know. So thanks for the motivation to finally say enough is enough and take control, because I NEED TO!

Hamilton Family said...

Whoooo Wheee! Am I glad I'm not the only player in the "crack the whip" game! Scoot down a little so I can get a better grip!

Lauren said...

I love you forever. It's all good. Thanks for the crack the whip analogy. I totally get how you're feeling. :) Loves...

Rochelleht said...

How many times have I been there.

I could NEVER count.

Audrey said...

Hey, I thought I was at the back of the line...you're there too? Ha ha. Seriously, you have three times as many children as I do, and I don't know how you managed to convince yourself that the "project" you took on was sane! Btw, I agree with Ashlee, I Picasa is the way to go-especially if you don't want to go bonkers in the process. It is super easy!