Thursday, May 17, 2007 of one?

I must vent. My husband doesn't seem to care how deeply affected I am, my friends are tired of my rant, and so this is the only place to turn. Reader, you too may turn a deaf ear, but I care not! I must rid myself of this bitterness: How could America dismiss Melinda Doolittle from American Idol?! It is an injustice that made me want to throw my well-used remote through the TV last night. What is going on, people?!

Oh, yes, I've heard it. "Jordin is the whole package. She is so YOUNG." As if youth itself were some kind of talent. And that is one of the big problems with America today. Our crazy obsession with youth. Look, people, everyone can be young once. And if everybody does it, then it ain't that special! Frankly, I don't care if someone is 17, 29, 53 or 90. I just want someone who can deliver--with or without wrinkles. And Melissa delivered! The girl can sing anything, and with soul.

And that, my friends, is the gift of aging--Soul. Experience. Depth. When is our society going to get that? At what point are we going to stop discarding our women over a "certain age." Oops, maybe I've gone on too long. I am nearing 40. Who cares what a woman that age thinks? Do I sound bitter? Good.


Amber said...

I KNOW! I was a little turned off by Melinda but not for any reasons why you mentioned liking her. However, I don't like Blake (come on!?!?!) and Jordin is cute but there are 1,000 others just like her.
And more importanly, I was so sad to not hang out, I really feel jipped that I am missing out on your conversations and laughter!

Best of the Bunch said...

NO! of MANY! I am in agreement with you in EVERY way...I too am upset that Melinda is gone and frankly my darling don't give a damn who wins. As was put by Simon & Randy...she delivered and consistently. COME ON! What else do you want??? Remember Milli Vanilli it REALLY looks and age that matters or talent??? When you are hanging out by the pool or going for a walk or cruising down the interstate, do you put on your ipod and say, "Gee I love this song because the singer is hot?" I DON'T THINK SO! And as far as videos are concerned, who watches them anymore?? MTV and VH1 are too bogged down with their reality schedules that they don't even play videos anymore! And ain't gonna be checking out videos on your ipod as you run or drive or even hang out...PLEASE! Melinda is another Clay Aiken...she didn't win but she WILL succeed. I can't wait for her album!

Kate said...

You are so funny! I don't watch american idol.. but my sister (Annette) kept telling me she knew Jordin would win...hope life is good- I changed my blog address to -- I love reading yours!