Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Help Wanted

I have been asked to present a short class in October about fun and unique ways to do or participate in family history (aka genealogy/family lineage.)  I hope they are serious about fun and unusual ways, because I don't know a thing about serious genealogy.  I do, however, have a love for family stories, family recipes, old family pictures, and capturing today's moments for tomorrow.  That'll be my focus.  I think.  I haven't figured it all out.  That's where you come in: 

Do you have any ideas that you would like to share?  Or opinions?  I'd love to hear them. 


tawnya said...

We had a family recipe blog at one point. I took that and downloaded into blurb and made a family recipe book from it. Quick and easy.

Candace said...

We make games. We made "Mafia" cards of our family members and that way the family and the kids especially have fun and come to familiarize themselves with faces (although we did posterize their pictures in Photoshop for a cartoony feel). Also, there is a cute idea in the Ensign this month about making a matching game. And one more (I got lots) is I made sacrament "quiet" books for my children when they were young with pictures of them with extended family members out of the really cheap photo 4x6 books with captions like "Uncle Logan loves Bianca" while he was on a mission and she was too young to remember him. You can do something similar to this for ancestors as well. You could also make up a whole little coloring booklet, word search, etc. Photoshop has some cool filters that practically turn things into coloring pages.

Laurel said...

Awesome ideas! Candace do you have a PDF file of any of those games I could use as examples?

Joan said...

I had saved all the emails my Dad had sent over the years in which he told stories of his youth and young adulthood. I will make copies for my siblings. I also tape recorded Aunt Alta telling me her stories of youth and am so glad I have them as she is now gone. I have also started a blog with only putting 5 things on it each day of things that I am thankful for (no bad things)that would be another blog....just so my kids will know that I am truly a grateful person. I am going to Cowley the next time I go and copying all of Dad's slides and getting as many stories as I can out of them and ask question of them that I failed to ask when I lived at home. Do I know their favorite color? What was their favorite pet? What is their favorite memory of childhood? Do they remember their grandparents and their likes? You could go on and and. Good luck.

Laurel said...

Thanks Joan. I love such great, simple ideas that anyone could do in their busy, real lives. I know we lost so much information when Dad died so suddenly. It made me much more aware of collecting that info now. I'll use all these ideas!

Haley Barnes said...

You did a great job on the presentation! Thank you so much for sharing. It really gave me some good ideas and motivated to lean more about my family history. Thanks again!