Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Little Musical Gem

Love this! However, try as I might to embed it, I couldn't make it happen (and you wouldn't believe how much time I wasted trying!).  But click the link.  Seriously. 

I know.  You're busy, but just take a couple of minutes. Consider it a little musical field trip in your day, and enjoy.


Ella said...

Glad you're back Laurel! Was starting to worry :).

Shana said...

That was so fun to watch and listen to!
I missed your posts!

Rochelleht said...

That was AMAZING!

Leandra said...

I've seen that! Isn't he amazing?

Hey, did you get the email I sent about the Classic Starts books? I'm worried it went to your spam file...unless you're ignoring me! ;)